68. Our Last Days

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Noah POV

6:30 AM

Powerful internal vibrations wake me from my deep slumber. The morning meets my face through my cracked blinds and the voices of my mothers' voices fill my ears, all except Eliza'sand the smell of powder and roses waft gently to my nostrils. 

A tan and blonde angel kneels before me smiling, my hand in her hands kissing each finger. "My love you have to wake up, this is a big day for you." My mamo, Valentina greets me. 

I could feel Ashley's bump pushed up against my back. They had me cornered. "Did you two need to come together to wake me up?" I grumbled. 

"We've missed you," They said in unison. 

Freaky. I thought. 

I kiss mamo on the cheek then turn back to give my mom a kiss on the cheek as well before jumping out of bed. "Alright I'm out, will you two stop crowding me?"

Ashley wiped a tear away from her eye as did mamo, they both sadly smiled and look at each other. "He's growing up so fast, today is the first of many big days for our boy. Aren't you excited? I am. Valentina, you've done such a fine job."

Valentina curtly nods. "I've done all that I can, he's this way on his own. I can't be any more proud than I am right now. You're absolutely beautiful, you know that?"

"Yes, mom," I answer sarcastically with a smile and roll of my eyes. I turn to the mirror in my room where my clothes lie prepared on the desk and it is true, to some extent I am beautiful. My curls reach my eyes in unintentional bangs and the rest grazes my neck, my eyes are like looking back into sterile gray pools, cold and unwelcoming. At a young age, I had defined cheekbones and long nails. Some things about me were feminine. 

"Are you planning on throwing more plates at mama any time soon?" I ask Ashley. 

"Noah!" Mamo scolds. 

"No, Valentina he's right. He saw me in a very ugly light and it is no one's fault but my own. Your mother knows I love her, she has to know this more than ever. She was right about everything and I've been too blind to see it."

She knows. She knows something mama wanted her to know after all this time and has waited until today to figure it out. My mother's timing was absolute trash. She could not do this now, I would not allow it. Eliza is some wounded animal now and even I could not stand to see her take another hit. 

"She's down the hall if you want to take another shot but I suggest you leave her to be unless you intend to listen to her and being patient," I tell Ashley. 

That was just the problem though, Eliza was in no mood to listen. She drove herself to work ever since last night when she came back with wrinkled clothes and a look of disdain on her face. 

"Alright I'm going to need you two to leave, I need to get dressed for school," I tell them. 

"I am going to get a start on breakfast and wake your brothers and sisters up. Maybe you can tell your mother to stop ignoring me?" Ashley asks. 

"Sure," I lied. 

Ashley left the room to mamo and I. It is silent in here, uncomfortably silent. Mamo looks to me with soft eyes, a strange merciful smile, and takes my hands in hers again. "I came with news. Ashley and I were talking about it this morning but before I tell you the news I want you to know I approve of your trip to Europe with your mother if that is what you wish. You should go away with Eiza this summer. It is such a beautiful thing to see you be as protective over her as you are over me."

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