17. Diamonds and Pearls pt. 2

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I am deciding to wrap up this cheating shit quickly, you guys, Ashley will get all that she's deserved and so will Eliza but you've to understand it takes time. Sheezus. By the way, if this chapter is too long for you because I'll warn you now, it's fuck'n long then read some now and just come back to it later when you feel like it.  Now onto the story schmadies and Yentlemen. Oh and Merry Christmas, although it's over, if you still believe in Santa then . . . Well .. .  uhmmm. Happy New Year!

Ashley POV

It was like any day, the day before Eliza had to come back home for the fundraiser. I'd helped my daughter with her own project as well. She told me just the other day that she wanted to help the kid who went to school that smelled or wore the same clothes again. She was so sweet to the kid, we met them and sent them plenty of clothes, gave them everything they could need and some more. I had to talk to parents to a Tee, they felt like they didn't need rich people to help them or that I was doing this as a charity. It wasn't because of that, first of all, this was a child we're talking about. Children are what make the world go around, we have them and they make the future. They are the future.  Then because I wanted to do something, I wanted to meet my daughter's new friend. It felt like the right thing to do. These were two parents struggling to provide for their kid because they valued a better education for her more than anything else. I could understand that more than anyone. I still wonder if my mom had stayed alive just a little bit longer until I became rich, would she have lived through her cancer? These days getting rid of cancer is less hard than they made it out to be fifteen years ago. We're in a new age of technology. It's 2030 for crying out loud. Mom would have been proud of me-- maybe.

After having some of the welts heal within the last days since Eliza I decided that I'd call over Josslyn, have her watch over the kids. She just came back from a mission, killing someone important. A priest, I think. She and Alan were all over the world and still going at it, married life didn't slow down their hunt, ever. She took a break. I needed one as well. I wanted to go out, I figured taking a to Arizona, get out of California. It was only an hour or so to get there. I'd spend the night and then catch the plane right back. 

So I packed my backpack. A dress, my heels, and makeup. I'd get dressed and all prettied up when I got into the hotel. I stayed at the W. I packed a few other little things before leaving my bedroom. I looked at the room and had a ghostly reminder that this was also the room my wife had slept in with me. It looked so miserable now. Once a place of love, sweetness and kinky rejoice, other than the playroom. The bed was wide, the chairs looked as though phantoms had sat in them then left. The television was off and even with all of the room's glory and is well designed by both of us . . . it still was unfit. Ugly. Quiet and well . . . Slovenly

"My wife!" I could hear the sound of her voice resonate through my mind. That's when I rushed out the room and slammed the gold door behind myself. Sometimes I hate all this luxury, it reminds me that I love this life and sometimes I miss scraping up pennies together to pay for the rent with my friends, our nights out and different clubs, doing drugs with Paul, fucking different girls every night, painting art and not making money for it all the time. Being a failure, a college student, a teenage dirtbag. But here I am, an adult, a success, a mother and a wife. A faithful one who didn't want to remain faithful anymore. I craved to gain control. 

I trudged against the floors, squeaking against the marble hallway. It sickened me. All of this. I needed something away from anything that reminded me of Eliza. I  fought between my disgust and the urge to just call my wife and tell her to come the fuck home to me and our children. To make love and feel her body with me. Be her muse once more. But I didn't call. I walked down the hall to the girls' room and peaked my head inside. "girls?" I asked. 

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