A Piece Of The Sun pt.2

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* warning: light mention of:  incest, polyamory also a POV you've never seen before; new POVs from different people in this book is what I am trying to make more current, I think it's important to see how the affair  affects everybody*

Irina POV

I should have told my sister in law but I didn't. I think later on I'd pay the price for it too. Me teaching Eliza this lesson, nothing good could come of it, really. She would most likely procrastinate. While Ashley wouldn't know the difference.
Leaving Eliza's office I feel bitter and just as hurt as she did. That was my sister out of anyone else that could have been my sister. Not even Heidi was like a sister to me as much as Eliza was. I just lost my sister through that door. You see, it's impossible not to love Eliza so if you do, you're looking out for her best interest and that's what I wanted to do now and as well as her wife's interest. Her wife, also my sister-in-law, you could say.
As close as we are I was ashamed this happened. I felt overwhelmed and angry, I felt stupid and like I would die from the shame.
I had to call my wives. I put them on a three-way. Hoping they would answer quickly. I walked into the elevator and pushed the button that would lead me all the way to the first floor.
Vera might just be mad at me instead of comforting me at a time like this. What Eliza didn't realize is her affair didn't just affect us or what we thought might be an affair but she confirmed it. It affected us all by keeping it away from Ashley.

"Hey baby!"

(As we all know, Nicki Minaj plays as Vera, this was back at a time when I liked Nicki. I don't any fucking more but I'm not here to change cast because um . . . Lazy bitch right here)

Vera was running, she must have been in the gym. She was dripping with sweat and her hair was braided into a ponytail at the side. "Hey . . ." I said somberly.
She stopped running on the treadmill when I heard the machine beep. "What's wrong? Did it now go as planned?"
I shook my head. "There is no helping your sister Vera, she's going to ruin everything she's ever worked for, she thinks this girl can put her on track but she's sick."

Heidi came in the call. She was in our closet room. "Hey honey," Heidi greeted me. "It didn't go well did it?"
I shook my head again. "She threatened to basically fire me, she said she would ruin me which means ruin us if I told."
"This is nonsense!" Vera exclaimed.
"I'll kill her! She threatens you-- our family!" Heidi snapped.
We had our son to think about. Our son who went to the same school as my nieces and nephews did. All our kids were together, was Eliza really going to do this to us? Separate the whole family?
"Babe we can't kill Eliza, she's still my sister and I hate her just as much as you do but we have to be rational." Vera told Heidi.
"Did you talk to your mom?" I asked Vera.
She nodded. "Yeah, she thinks we need a family intervention, this will be good for us all."
"When is this happening?" Heidi asked.
"After the fundraiser for the kids' school, a few days after I'd say. But also this happens to fall on our family reunion as well so we'll just have to make it all happen in one take. Eliza and Ashley have no choice but to be there and the kids to. Everyone has to come. I think this will be the best time to just get it all done and help her out before things get out of hand more than they already are."
Here had a point. This would be our chance. "After this we all need a vacation; fuck Eliza and hey show. We should go back to the islands and bring our boy." Heidi said.
I thought that was a great idea. We could all use a break from Eliza, from work and our son, Carter.
He was such a good boy.
I am so gracious for our little family. Sure i didn't have five kids like Eliza but Carter was our saving grace. I don't regret a day that Vera killed his mother. The scary thing was, Alex was also his father. We still didn't mind adopting him and making him our son.
"Yeah, this will be good for us all. Vera come home will you?"
I was tired of not having Vera in my arms and I was sure Heidi missed her as well. What would we do without her?
"I am. I just had to get a decent work out before going into the plane all those hours. I promise you two I'll be home back in time for dinner and I'll make up the time for all the sex we haven't had for a week straight."
Now that sounds promising. "I love you, V." Heidi told her.
"I love you too baby." I said to Vera.
"Yeah well I love you more!" Heidi raised her voice. My sister was always trying to outdo me. That's why I loved her as well.
"Shut up you two, I love you both! That's why I married you both!"
I smiled at my wife, Vera. "Yeah we know. Bye darling."
Vera left and now it was just my other wife and I. "How did we get so lucky?" Heidi asked.
The thought killed me but I answered her truthfully. "We have Eliza to thank for that,"
"I know. Come home now, you have no business there. Leave Eliza and her team to the rest of it." My wife has a point.
I was now getting in the car after all that time I spent talking to the both of them. "I'm getting in the car right now. I'll catch the plane back home in time to help you make dinner and help Carter with his homework."
Before I could hang up Heidi caught my attention. "Something else is wrong, love, what is it?"
I didn't want to tell my sister. "It's nothing." I muttered.
I closed the door and sat in the car with the phone in it's holster.
"It's not nothing, something is bothering you and I won't have this dressing room or go shopping until you tell me what it is."
I tried to find the words to say without hurting hee feelings. I was happy Vera wasn't on the phone anymore or else she'd be hurt too. She was too soft and sensitive to everything. And she didn't know everything about Heidi and I.  "When I talked to Eliza she confronted me that she always knew about what you and I do, not just us being married to Vera or sharing her. Although we never told her, she just knew and she said it to mean. Like she was disgusted with me. Then she mentioned mom. She threatened me that she would tell anyone if I told Ashley that we killed our mother. Vera doesn't even know that about us."
Heidi cursed under her breath. "Look, fuck her- fuck Eliza. Okay? I love you the way you love me and our wife. She's just mad you told you what you were going to do and it's okay if you can't tell Ashley. Maybe it's better to let Eliza burn for it all. She'd be the one to tell her and then be alone. She's the really disgusting one anyway. She doesn't have anyone at this moment, not truly anyways no matter what she wouldn't tell anyone we killed our mother. So please, don't harp on it. Straighten yourself out and get home to me and our family love."
My wife was right as always. She made me feel better.
"Okay. I will. Thanks. I love you."

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