I Am Scared To Update Any Of My Books

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Hey guys it's me, Bri. I am scared shitless to update because ever since my friend Abigail (new friendd, yay!!!!) told me that some bitch on Archive Of Our Own (AOOO) plagiarized my book I don't feel like I can trust anyone. 

I just feel like deleting all my books from the eyes of the world. But I feel so confused because some of you guys are deserving of reading my books, some of you like my stuff and writing is my true love, keeps my world turning and I don't want to take away the joy away from you and I both but the bitch on AOOO, goes by PhantomDTG, she copied my book "Yes Miss Robinson" under the name "Yes Miss Mills" as a OUAT fanfic. If she's copying my book with OUAT that's double fanfiction? Bitch no. 

My book isn't a fanfiction. Sure you guys ship #elizley or #jerc or whatever other couple in the book but that doesn't mean take the means of my book WORD BY WORD EXACTLY AS WRITTEN AND STEAL MY SHIT! A bitch asking to get harassed. Surely she didn't think she was going to get away with it just because she wrote it on another site right? Fuck no. You've got the username, please help me take this hoe down. Or at least help me teach her one hell of a lesson because she needs to know not to mess with the real Ms. Robinson. That's me.

I need you guys more than ever because I don't feel like shit will ever be the same after this. I am so out of my mellow, my funk and groove. I can get over a break up faster than I get over this. I love you guys all, later my loves! But you can message me and idk, have a talk or something. Smoke a dub or whatever. 


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