Last Letter

16 1 0

Dear The-One-Whom-I-Thought-Was-My-Other-Half,

I guess it really wouldn't be a crime for me to write to you one last time. This time I'm not here to flatter you, but to explain a little and give you heads-up a too. This all started a while ago, so too bad if it feels like a blow.

Times were great - and lasted a while - but it's not guaranteed I'd always look back with a smile. In a way, it feels a bit like time wasted, hence the future I imagine has been recreated. Yes, this time you're not a part of it, nor would it be achieved if around I sit. I am writing to tell you that it is all over, you never noticed me and it's clear we won't get any closer to becoming a pair for life. Instead, elsewhere, I'll create my own rife.

Yes I had looked up to you, adored you, always thought of you and even loved you, but that was all in the past. And now? Now it's time to strive for my crown. Perfectly timed with the start of a new year, my goals, ambitions and dreams are crystal clear. It's time for me to break free; time for me to focus on me.I'll say it one more time and simply: behind you, you will no longer find me. I will not be there for whenever you're ready because I'll be elsewhere and I'll be busy. I'll be busy focusing on me, myself and I. I'll be busy reaching for beyond the sky. I'll be busy improving upon myself. I'll be busy creating something out of myself.

To live, I do not need you, so thank you showing me the much needed cue. There's no need to be sad or to cry, this is the beginning of something great so goodbye!


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