Letter to a country

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Dear loved one,

'All good things come to an end' and though we don't want it to be, it is true. That is why goodbyes exist and are harder to bear with than hellos. Trust me, saying goodbye is no easy feat for me either: I become a teary mess.

Coming to see you has made me realise that I missed you more than I thought I did. You are a beautiful place where my heart lies. I'm glad to call you home, even of there are many things we can improve on. I missed your weather, your sounds, your vibes, your mountain tops and seas and plains and scenery... maybe not all, but defo the natural ones.

I got to see my loved ones again, thanks to you being their place. My identity was renewed because you are the source of part of it. I came to new realisations and understandings of myself - things I will remember forevermore and will move on in my life carrying them dearly every day.

Of course you'll never be forgotten! How could I forget you when you are a part of me?

There's more for me to say, but I don't have the time to do so. I'm keaving soon, back to my 'home' but hopefully I'll see you next year. We'll stay in touch. I promise I'll try my best to, but for now, thank you for my stay. Thank you for a lot of things. For giving me a culture and identity a country to be proud of.

For now, goodbye, my time here is up. I hope to see you soon.

With love,


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