From Tangier's Ports

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There stood the cliffs, overlooking the sea,
Their backs painted in browns and greenery.
The spring breeze danced, teasing these giants,
So they ignored it with skilled defiance.

As the waves toppled over each other,
Their splashes created mists to smother
The distant Spain so that the cliffs can't dream
Of the sweet memory held in high esteem.

If only you knew what these cliffs have seen:
You won't be able to imagine the described scene,
So how will you believe untold history
Of when boats sailed across this very sea?

Yes, from Tangier's very ports an army
Sailed, embarking on a new journey
To spread the faith of Islam even more -
And without the use of violence or gore.

Yes, from Tangier's very ports sailed Muslim men.
Tariq Ibn Ziyad, a general then,
Led them on this precarious mission
Supporting them, no matter the condition.

Yes, from Tangier's very ports began a revolution
Where peasants who were prey to persecution
Were freed from a tyrannical king and
Given a life of freedom and peace.

Yes, from Tangier's very ports began a series of events
That made history incredibly rich and dense.
From amongst them many advancements
In knowledge of all subjects and topics imaginable.

Yet these stories are never told,
Though its events, until today, still hold
A firm grip on how our lives are carried out,
They seem to be forgotten, known nothing about.

There stand the cliffs, overlooking the sea,
Their backs painted in browns and greenery
Wishing to tell the untold stories
Of rather well-known territories.

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