Get going

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So you want to be a success
Even by working less?
You have your priorities wrong,
You haven't thought for long
Over what the future holds in store
And how you will go for
Your dreams and ambitions.

In fact, do you even have ambitions?
You like to dream and dream and dream
And your ideas reach for the extreme -
Now don't get me wrong,
There's nothing wrong
With dreaming of a very bright future -

But how shall you form that future
If you can't be asked to even get up
From your seat, standing tall, chin up?
How shall you proceed
At your imagined speed

If you won't even begin now?
Explain to me how
when you refuse to work
Even just a little bit of work.

Where do you expect yourself to be
To change your situation, become free,
If you do nothing but laze around?

The time is now, you are bound
To go far if you at least start.

So get up and get going.

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