Trusting the Untrustworthy

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We say not to trust the media -
Especially not with the phobia
Of other cultures that they can create –
So why is it that we now follow their bait
When they talk about this subject?

We often don't trust politicians,
Especially not with their actions
Portraying the exact opposite
Of their speeches filled with wit.
So why is it that we now trust them?

We say, be careful of social media,
Especially with current affairs,
Because misinformation's spread
Is as quick as wildfire – only it's said.
So why is it that the truth is not checked?

We say we stand with justice being served.
But then we stand still, letting things be observed,
Becoming the bystander instead
Of putting an end to all the dread.
So why do we take pride in what we say?

We say we must always learn from the past,
But here we are, with it on broadcast
Once again, but with minor changes
As the names and location, now Rangers...
So do these changes make it all right now?

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