Different Layers of Pain

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I found things to be getting tough
So I remembered the times
When life was an ocean so rough
And decided to look back at what I wrote in those moments.

What I found were not the feelings I expected,
But something much deeper and much more horrid
My present feelings were not represented
But were replaced instead by some sadness.

It was a sadness pitying the past,
A sadness that appreciated the present,
Grateful that those moments didn't last
Otherwise God knows how things would've ended.

The words scream of a forgotten pain,
Bringing back memories unwanted.
All the words do is explain
Thoughts that were left unheard.

As I read, I breathe a sigh of relief
That I made it through and that I'm ok.
Though those poems bring nothing but grief,
They're a reminder of the different levels of pain.

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