Random Freestyle on 29/06/23

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I already wrote: I journalled, but I still feel like writing some more so that I can fuel this desire of mine, which is weird because I don't know why I want to do this. It's getting late and I'm randomly free styling right now? I know right: unusual. I guess I got my desire wrong because, as you may know, I write with my left, but it's my right that feels unusually empty, like I need to hold something in it.

I was thinking that maybe I could've finished off my prose from last time, but that's in my planner and I can't be asked to get up and get it. Instead I did this. When I could've done other things, like reading.

Anyway, my 5 mins are almost up and I don't know what to do with this writing. I could copy it out into my writing book, but that might take a while.

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