What We Fight For

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It's a massive event - that's for sure!
With a million people we didn't fall short
In showing with whom lies our support
Despite the possible chance of distart.
The media may hide some of the truth,
Manipulating what they claim to be proof,
But that won't change our minds, especially
Now that we know what's hidden specifically.
The screams and cries and pain don't go unheard
Their innocent souls shall fly, like a bird,
Whilst those imposing the shackles will not
As they are a completely different lot.
Now people are starting to depend less
On those that prove to be a test
And are finally opening their eyes,
Seing through all the falsehood and all the lies.
We shall not let the traitors pick and choose
Who gets to keep their rights and whose we lose,
So we'll point out every time they fall short,
Even if they do it on purpose, it's for sure
That we'll stand up and make things right.
Wherever there's darkness, we'll shine a light
To show the truth using massive events.

Wherever there's darkness, we'll shine a lightTo show the truth using massive events

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I went to a march yesterday here in London on this topic

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I went to a march yesterday here in London on this topic. These were some signs I thought were really powerful.

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