Fight for it.

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It's one or the other - you don't get to choose.
No matter what you do - either way you'll loose.
That way of life is over: they will now lead.
I know that that poses danger.  We should plead.
Plead to the world to see, to help stop this war,
But here's a heads up: they may deny your call
Because they pick and choose what they call human.
They, themselves, denied rights and took others' lands.
They tell nothing but lies, showing you a facade.
They turn their backs on you, just when things get hard
And call you endless names. You become the villain,
They become the victim, though they cause the pain.
We try to be patient, fighting back when we can,
Enduring more and more as they now impose bans.
We're not exactly winning, but it's worth the try
In hopes of commoners instead hearing our cry.

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