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The countdown has officially begun.
As 2023's life is now wrung
So it can be passed on to '24.
There were so many events this year bore
Ranging from highs to lows, funny to sad –
Possibly more than the other years had.
The Earth cried, but we didn't hear it weep;
To earthquakes and floods we had front row seats,
Yet we deafened ourselves, using loud wars,
Only to blame it on the corpse.

Covid's no longer an emergency,
But there now is a Covid enquiry
To see what could have been done differently.
Though there's still a strong sense of urgency
As many people globally did strike
Because, right now, life is far from dreamlike.
What's worse is that politics gone crazy,
Too much's going on: it all feels hazy –
Except for that mugshot, that's gone viral.

Let's not forget some of the great moments:
50 years later, without opponents,
NASA again plans to go to the moon,
Taking five astronauts there and back;
Whilst the Titanic still rests in pitch black,
A 3-D scan of it shows more detail,
Much more than we've ever managed to hail.

Filled with sports and all sorts of World Cups,
Different nations lifted up different cups:
Basketball trophy went to Germany,
South Africa took the cup for rugby,
And Spain won in FIFA's woman's football.
Sports always unites us when it calls.
As we gather, supporting our country.

Celebrities shook up the entire world
Through their breakups and secrets they unfurled.
Memoirs were published, music tours were held,
And all sorts of economies swelled.
Some players moved to other foreign leagues.
Taking with them their fans and fellow peers.

Escobar's escaped hippos still on the loose;
Concerns arise over sky balloon;
Many memes, including big red boots;
And a submarine, gone, out of the blue;
All during the hottest 12 months we've seen.

Russia almost broke out into Civil War,
And the Israeli conflict became more.
For over 70 days conflict's all we've seen
Through the posts and reports found on our screens.

London hung lights in its known Oxford Street
In celebration and also to greet
The month of Ramadan for the first time.

We've obviously learnt so much from this year.
And our hopes have been made clear...

Now we close the chapter called '23.

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