Chapter seventeen: All the ways you can be made fun of

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Since he's been here last night's events were the first major step forward and step back. It was the first time he's been hostile towards you. Leading up to that were only positive, more open things, like the piano, the questions about vampires, the stables and the prank.

Just when you thought that you were nearing a breakthrough of some kind he decides to retract completely.

What if he saw through you from the beginning?

Or what if he got scared that someone began to get closer to him?

And the weirdest thing is, all this giving and taking, this hot and cold tickled your interests.

Trying to get answers out of someone with sex? Brilliant, truly brilliant. Because just to get the feeling of the floating pleasure, in the very seconds before an orgasm, people would tell everything, commit treason, betray those closest to them...Just for a couple seconds of release.

The answers. That was what you should have been focused on but as you saw more and more glimpses of him, the prospect of knowing why he was literally haunting your dreams got terribly snowed in.

Of course, you wanted to know the why, but that sadly would take much more time than anticipated, not to mention the trust that you- apparently- failed to build so far. Especially if he kept on so closely reminding you of yourself in the way he tries to protect himself.

In the morning Tony approached you in the kitchen.

"Remember the promise you made me if I agreed to go on vacation?" He singsonged with a grin.

"Unfortunately, I do." You sighed, wishing he would have chosen another day to wipe his ass with you.

"Good, so I've decided that today is the day I'm going to use your 'services' as my personal... well, whatever I want you to be." The smile that settled on his face told you that a really long day awaited you with not one promise of peace.

"Are you 100% sure you wanna do this today, Ant?"

The last gleam of hope left your body when he raised his brows expectingly.

"Okay, I'm officially at your service today, Anthony Edward Stark." You enthused with poorly faked excitement, earning a chuckle in return.

"Are you taming the dragon today, Tony?" Natasha asked from the other side of the room, her tone hiding a sense of approvement. As she turned to asses the situation, her flamingly red hair caught the sunlight, reminding you of how vibrant the blood of the first child you killed glistened on your hands, screaming your guilt to everyone that witnessed.

"Yes! I'm gonna make a fool out of her, just watch." Tony joked with the widow but you barely heard his voice anymore, your head was already back in the early fourteen hundreds, just before you've turned for the first time.

It was one day after your twenty-second birthday when on your way to your family's damp and small hole of a home you got attacked. It turned out your attacked was no ordinary human, but a vampire you knew very well. He was the village's doctor, nursing you and your sister from day zero. At that moment, after telling you that everything was going to be fine, he sunk his teeth into the soft a fragile skin on your neck.

You remembered shutting your eyes so forcefully in his grip that even the tears couldn't escape to run down your cheeks. He just sucked and sucked but as the seconds passed and your hysteria began to fade away, instead of your muscles going limb and weak, you began feeling better, more aware of your surroundings.

"Don't worry, dear." His bloodied face emerged from your neck, his fangs shining through the mass of crimson like torches did on the rich people's houses. "I saved you."

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