Chapter sixteen: Talking...

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Your POV

"I have an amazing plan." Loki went on while he was packing some stuff away around him like it was his room, preparing to show you this amazing plan of his. You leaned back in your seat in the couch and waited patiently for the show.

You'd never seen Loki smile this much before, not to mention that you had also heard him laugh, actually laugh many times. Giving him weed was definitely a good idea. You were met with a side to him that was in complete lockdown from everyone, maybe from him as well, but was amazing. He was really playful, he made jokes about every little thing and even challenged you to a sparring match when you disagreed on the shape of a cloud with him.

His new, open persona faltered a great fraction when you two arrived back at the tower but with you, he acted much more relaxed, it is given, of course, when the others weren't around. He still didn't speak more than a few words when someone else was in the same room as you, remotely flashing you with a wave of disliking his way but there was nothing you could do about it.

In the past few days Thor and Tony had returned. They were polar opposites in appearance, Thor tired and grumpy but Tony on the other hand happy, energetic and claimed to be in an exceptionally good mood. He still threw you a few grateful looks through the day.

Everyone seemed to settle back into their everyday lives slowly and a promising peace fell over all of you. Of course, this peace had to be broken by some who was currently standing in your room and had long black hair and a really sharp mind.

This was the first occasion where he came into your room, quite unannounced, to say. But eventually the happiness from his presence overcame the tension of the sudden visit.

After getting enough space, green mist surrounded him for a moment and then he disappeared. Or so you thought, because as you looked down, there he was, in the form of a very cute black cat with emerald green eyes.

"That's your plan?" You asked, unmoving, a coy but unimpressed smile tugging at your lips.

Actually, the fact that he had the ability to shape shift was amazing, you just didn't understand why being a cat would be beneficiary for him.

The cat, Loki, tilted its head and meowed at you before the mist reappeared and soon Loki was standing before you in his more natural form.

"Yes. Let's say I" he pointed a finger at himself "go missing and that magically appears in all of your lives."

"And do you think the others will appreciate it when you reveal yourself?" You liked the idea of seeing everyone in love with that adorable cat only to watch them find out that the furball they've so generously been smooching was Loki all along. Your only concern was the prank's effect on Loki's already low reputation.

"Do I seem to care about what they think of me?" He huffed, looking at you with a half smile, something he did more often to your joy. It suited him.


"Exactly." He answered immediately, gesturing wildly with his hands. "So are you in? Come on, it'll be fun!" He transformed himself back into the cat who came to circle your leg while purring.

"Ugh fine, okay. But I'm sticking my neck out for you, you know that?" You said while you reached down and picked the cat, Loki, up. His green eyes glistened in the dim lights as he looked up at you.

This newfound comfort that he showed towards you was still strange. You knew that sooner or later you would break his ice but you were never in your wildest dreams expecting this sharp of a change.

Twenty minutes later, you burst into the suite, putting on yet the best show of your life.

"Oh my god, guys, look what I found on the streets!" You hurriedly said as you went to the middle of the living area and revealed the cat in your hands. They all came inspecting with a series of 'so cute's and 'hiiiiii's, you had to work really hard to fight back a smile.

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