Chapter six: The secret or a life

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Author's note: Hello lovely people! I had a horrible day yesterday so I decided to give you another chapter. Also, I am impatiently waiting for your reactions at the end!

Love, love, love.


The Chitauri were hauling on the streets. Some on foot, some flying in pairs on what looked like jet skies that were controlled through vines connected to the creatures' heads, the ones behind shooting at everything in sight. You've already been to war but this was something you've never experienced before. Space technology, strange bombs, lizard looking enemies... and there were only seven of you, well, six at the moment, standing before a threat with stakes high enough to loose Earth.

When the portal opened, Tony flew you down to the street where the Chitauri had already bombed cars and buildings, to try and kill as many of them as you could. He also equipped you with an earpiece that was loud with shouts and grunts and occasional actual questions so after a while you turned the volume almost all the way down.

That's how you ended up in the middle of a random road in New York, fighting for your world alongside, at the moment one, but otherwise six very skilled professionals. Not exactly what you expected when Tony Stark came to you for help but shit, at least life wasn't dragging on by every minute.

As the fight progressed about ten of the creatures jumped from the sides of buildings, gathering angrily to take you out. They seemed to be communicating through shouts, which you found extremely primitive, pointing hastily with their unusually large guns at you. You awaited the attack with excitement, the thrill of the fight buzzing through you already. The feeling of the movement of the veins under your eyes felt comforting for once, you knew you were gonna enjoy gutting the bastards.

One finally jumped at you, the force with which it launched itself up into the air caused you to reposition and you were able to catch it before it could have landed, breaking its neck with little force.

But a coughing fit almost blinded you with tears when you inhaled the scent of the Chitauri's body, its sour smell twisting your nose like if you left a fucking fish out in the sun for two days and then served it with boiled eggs and inhaled it all. While you were busied with not choking, more of them came at you, shrieking and scratching. As you engaged in battle you also noticed that they by no means had precise aim. While you landed almost every punch they barely managed one or two with a force that felt more like a tickle on your skin than something that could actually cause harm.

Taking them out fairly easy, a shadow clouded over you and as you glanced up you saw a jet glide from the sky, one of its wings leaving a grey trail of smoke as it dipped behind a block of buildings. Turning the volume up in your earpiece, you could hear the rough landing and Steve asking if everyone was alright. Legs carrying you to their location faster than a blink you arrived at a square full of horrified people trying to escape in every direction, chaos erupting from all around you. Bedded in the concrete were the remains of the jet, the team: Natasha, Steve and someone you assumed was Clint, the other agent, exiting without a scratch; you would have felt that.

"You could just put it down gently next time." You joked, directing their attention at you. The man with the bow Looked you over, a light shrug settling on his face.

"Yeah, you can drive next time." He fired back as he advanced towards you. When he arrived he stretched one hand out. "I'm Clint, by the way. Nat and Cap here told me a lot about you."

Accepting the shake, an airy laugh shaped your lips. "Not so sure if that's a good thing but it's nice to meet you, Clint!"

Natasha arrived beside you, her heartwarming smile lightening the tension that brewed in the air. "It's good to see you alive." She cheered.

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