Chapter two: The man from your dreams

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You arrived an hour late.

Throwing your car keys over to a young worker boy you were met with a serious faced Happy. "Hey Miss, we've expected you a bit earlier. Mr. Stark is very impatiently waiting for you on the twentieth floor." Opening the door for you to enter, you threw a polite nod in his direction and made your way over to the elevator.

You and a bunch of already drunk guests filled it to the brim, you actually found it hard to ignore the sound of their throbbing hearts. Silently thanking Tony for the fast ride, you stepped out into a loud and lively party and the deafening sound of the music filled your ears, making you realize just how used you grew to quieter places. Fighting the urge to jump down from the balcony you made your way over to the bar and ordered a round of shots to everyone around and six to yourself. In the midst of happy cheers you drank the first five, melting in the way it made everything more bearable.

People reminded you of flowers.

Whenever you were at the bar you could just see how their petals opened as the night progressed. Some of them never show their true self to anyone, not even themselves. Drowning in their own problems and insecurities they tend to forget how beautiful and unique they really are. You used to be like this, closed and afraid, until you realized that no matter what life throws your way you can be who you want and you feel better in your own skin when you express your soul through your shell of petals.

When you moved for the last glass someone's hand sneaked around your waist. The breath got stuck in your lungs and you slowly turned to see who your (possibly male) intruder was. You were met with the most disgusting looking man you've ever seen in your life. His messy hair hung lazily in front of his eyes and without even opening his mouth he smelled strongly of alcohol. He looked like he assaulted women on the street.

"Hellooo gorgeous!" He said accompanied by a smile which made you internally gag. "I'm Joe! What name a beautiful girl like you might have? I can't think of one that would even comprehend your beauty." Holding out his hand, waiting for a handshake he moved a step closer.

You coldly said your name and turned back to your drink but his fingers found your upper arm and gently grazed your skin. "What a beautiful name to such a delicate creature."

Pursing your lips in a line you exhaled quickly before turning to him with a convincing fake smile. "Yeah? You like it?" You teased as his eyes wandered your lips. He moved even closer to you, sliding his hand down on your back. In a honey laced voice you continued. "Why don't you moan it then?" At first he dumbly looked at you but his smile faltered when you grabbed a hold of the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer. "You have just seen your biggest nightmare. You can't stand even the thought of spending another second in here. Forget you ever saw me."

Carefully listening to your words his face morphed with fear, looking through you like you were made of glass. He tore himself form your grasp and ran away with a few shouts that eventually faded into the sounds of the party.

"Don't frighten my guests like that." Tony appeared by your side with a small chuckle and downed your last shot.

"Hey!" You protested but it was too late.

He was wearing a red shirt that was buttoned down to reveal his chest and the piece of glowing machine on it. The smell of his cologne almost suffocated you as he stopped directly beside you. Offering him a frown and earning a crunched nose and a wink you couldn't help but turn that frown into a laugh. You found him to always make you feel lighter without even seeming to try.

"You probably had enough for now." He smirked at you with a tilt of his head. "By the way I get why that guy came up. You look great." Looking you over, a proud (?) expression took over his features. He smiled for a bit too long probably because he was drunk

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