Chapter twelve: Saving a life is ungrateful

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Your POV

"What the fuck?" You cried out as you fell to your knees. Your eyes burned from the need to drink so it took you a few seconds to take the change of scenery in. You didn't know why or how but you weren't on that god forsaken planet anymore, the last thing you remembered was standing on the sand and waiting for your unavoidable death while trying to keep yourself from ripping into Loki's throat.

As you cast around, trying to figure out where exactly you landed you noticed two things. The first was a street sign lit by a lamp that stretched up into the sky that read an address that was in New York. Good. The second was a little more disturbing because as you were reading the sign, the familiar smell of someone's blood you craved so much seeped into your nose.

Loki was laying on the ground to your left, his long black hair covering his face. You listened for a pulse which to you relief was there but  it was weakening by every breath he took. You had to help him. That wound needed to be closed up and the bleeding stopped. Your first idea was your old apartment, but you soon realized that due to your lifestyle you did not have any equipment to clean and close it up which had left you with the only option to go to the tower. You couldn't just take a man who had already tried to enslave the very ground you were on into a hospital after all. Compelling nurses and doctors would have been too risky in your current state.

Pulling yourself together, you somehow lifted Loki up in a weird looking hold which allowed you to use your super speed and ran to the tower, coming to a stop at the elevator. Startling many people on the ground floor, you slammed the button to the elevator several times, impatiently waiting for the doors to open. Once in, you put Loki down for a second, desperately trying to reach Tony. Your phone was dead.

Due to your frustration, the vampire form which you were able to hold back while transporting Loki through the city came out in full effect, sending you back into the wall and making you slide down it until your knees started to support your forehead. You were so tired, on the verge of loosing all your control and killing everyone in sight that everything you did started physically hurting.  Looking from side to side was not an option, you eyes felt like they were turning on sandpaper and the chaos that erupted in your head prevented you from thinking. Hyperventilation was fast approaching when a miracle happened.

"Do you need help, miss?" J.A.R.V.I.S.'s oh so neutral voice through the speaker felt like a beam of light, shining the darkness emerging in your head away.

"Yes!" You sobbed. "Tell Tony to get the medical ward ready as soon as he can. It's an emergency."

After this exchange, you gathered some of your strength back and scooped Loki back up, ducking under his arm and holding him up with the side of your body. The elevator quickly arrived at the floor of the medical wing and you started hurrying out as much as your hazed mind let you.

Somewhere from the direction of the operating room, a sickly concerned Tony came rushing to you, slightly going pale as he saw that you were carrying someone whose head was hanging low and was leaving a trail of blood after his feet as you moved both of you forward.

"What happened? Were were you? Are you okay?" He swarmed you with questions as he moved to take the other side of Loki but his voice barely registered in your head. He didn't seem to care about the fact that you were in full vampire form.

"I'm fine." You answered in a strained voice, your restrained focus already on Loki. "He needs help."

The two of you carried the still unconscious Loki to the operating table, struggling a bit to get him up as his wound got so close to your mouth, you could almost taste the blood on your tongue. As you two got him laying on his back, his hair moved out of the way, revealing his face and Tony took a big step back.

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