Sorry Disneyland- Arianna

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I loudly cleared my throat to break the awkward silence that seemed to stretch on ever since Lily and Remus had left the compartment.

"So, I actually had a question for you guys." I said to the boys when they all looked at me.

"Yes?" James asked politely.

The girls and Peter looked at me curiously. Sirius for some reason was pointedly looking at anything and anyone except me. I mentally shrugged. He could wait, but what I had to know couldn't.

"Well, I know that the students are sorted into different houses and stuff, but who exactly does the sorting? Like does the headmaster do it or some kind of council of peers or something?" I asked, genuinely curious.

Back at Salem, all frats and clubs had a student body to decide whether or not a person got in.

The boys looked surprised.

"Didn't Frank tell you?" James asked. James seemed to be the chief speaker for the Marauders, which was interesting considering how much more extroverted and open Sirius seemed to be in comparison.

I shook my head . "The question really hadn't crossed my mind till just now." I lied smoothly.

The truth was that I had asked Frank, but he had just smiled and told me that it was a surprise and that he didn't want to ruin my first 'Hogwarts experience'.

What do you even say to something like that?

So I had simply shrugged, and in the midst of all the socialising and research it had slipped my mind. But this morning when I remembered it, I knew that I wouldn't be at peace until I found out.

Before leaving for King's Cross, I had skimmed through both Hogwarts: a history and the student handbook again, but there seemed to be nothing mentioned about the sorting. Hell, I almost made Frank and the girls miss the train because of it, but I had to know!

I hated surprises. The last big one I got had cost me my family.

"Well there's a....." Peter began and I looked towards him eagerly. Before he could finish however, Sirius interrupted him.

"Hold on now." he said grinning mischievously, his teeth even like a military cemetery. His previous behavior towards me was apparently forgotten for the time being.

"Why not let it be a surprise?" he asked, eyes twinkling with mischief.

"They'll be surprised alright." James muttered.

Just as I expected, I thought to myself. Now I definitely had to get it out of them.

I decided to pull out the big guns.

"Pleeease?" I dragged the word out and put on my best puppy dog face, widening my eyes and slightly jutting my lower lip out for effect.

That look had worked wonders for me over the years and as usual, it did not disappoint.

"Oh bother." James said as he looked away, trying hard to ignore the look.

Sirius firmly squeezed his eyes shut, lowered his head and shook it repeatedly, determined to not give in.

I mentally huffed. I realised Peter was my obvious choice if I wanted any information.

"Peter?" I asked, letting my voice fill with a little hope as I continued to look at him with my puppy dog face.

"The sorting hat." He blurted out, instantly looking ashamed .

"Wormtail!" both James and Sirius exclaimed, the same time as the girls and I said "A hat?" feeling more confused than ever.

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