Contagious Curiosities- Arianna

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"How are you not in Ravenclaw?"

"I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you." I whispered.

"Miss Shah, why do you think that it's acceptable for you to monopolize our best friend?" Remus asked, interrupting our conversation.

I turned to smirk at him.

"Well Mr Lupin, I can hardly be blamed if you can't keep your best friend entertained enough to focus on you." I replied, teasingly.

Remus' jaw dropped. He playfully chucked a grape in my direction.

"Why are you two talking like that?" Sirius, looking slightly confused.

"Like what?" I asked innocently.

"Yes Padfoot, I have no idea what you're talking about." said Remus, playing along.

Sirius turned to look at Remus and narrowed his eyes. From behind him, I started making faces at Remus and he tried to stifle his laughter.

"I think he wants to know why you two are talking like pretentious pricks with dictionaries up their arses." James clarified, giving me an amused look.

Remus and I gasped dramatically, and started throwing food at James. Sirius laughed aloud when one of the strawberries I threw hit James square on the forehead, and rattled his glasses.

Suddenly, the strawberry that I was holding flew out of my grasp, just as I was about to aim it at James' head. I looked at my now empty hand in confusion, before following the strawberry's path- which was leading straight towards Lily.

Lily caught the strawberry without blinking. I noticed that she had her wand out, and a couple of grapes in front of her, which I figured she must've accio'ed from Remus.

"There will be no more food fights. Don't want a repeat of what happened in second year, now do we?" she said, as she bit into the strawberry.

"Hey that was mine!" I protested.

"Actually, you were throwing it at James, so it was his." Lily pointed out. "You don't mind, do you?" she asked innocently, turning to look at James.

James swallowed hard, before shaking his head.

I snorted. Of course he didn't mind. Lily could punch him in the face and he would be so far from minding, he'd probably thank her for it.

"Now, what was so important that you had to interrupt our little chat?" asked Sirius, gesturing to both him and me in a single hand motion.

"It's time for the annual DADA wager!" James announced.


Sirius grinned and rubbed his hands together excitedly.

"Place your bets everybody." James called out.

"Two galleons say he corks it entirely." said Peter, with a mouthful of food. They all looked at him appalled.

"Who?" I asked, but no one seemed to notice.

"You're not actually betting on this are you?" asked Lily, outraged.

"Two galleons and five sickles say he gets fired." Fabian called out from five people across from us, completely ignoring Lily's outrage and my confusion.

"Make that double." said Gideon from beside him.

"But on what?" I asked, frustrated. I hated not knowing things!

"On the fate of this year's defense against the dark arts professor." James explained. "Five galleons say he sees something too bizarre and resigns."

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