Frank Agrees With A Drunk, Emotional Woman- Sirius

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"Stop touching me, Wormtail!" James snapped, as a giggling Peter kept poking him at the breakfast table, prompting James to poke him back.

"Might help if you stopped touching him first." Arianna grumbled from where she sat across from them. Sirius noticed how tired she looked. When he had left the common room last night, Sirius had noticed the girl buried in her book long after her friends had left, with no intention of getting up. He wondered just how long she had stayed up past curfew to read.

Sirius shook his head. Not his business. He's not going to start mooning over some bird like Prongs.

"He can't." Remus answered for James. Arianna shot him a look of confusion, her eyes going to the poking match going on between Peter and an increasingly annoyed James. Sirius shared an amused smirk with Remus.

"It's a superstition of his." Sirius explained, as Arianna reached for some coffee. "On the day of the match, James has to touch anyone who touches him, or he thinks he'll drop the Quaffle during the game."

"But that's absurd!" Arianna snorted. James turned to glare at her, his eye twitching as Peter kept poking him in the chest, giggling hysterically.

"It's worked for me every match I've played." James defended himself. He turned to Peter. "Do you want us to lose the match, Wormtail?" he bellowed, and Peter shrank away from him.

"That's enough, mate." said Remus gently, as James ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

"Sorry, Wormtail." he muttered. "Just don't touch me, please." Peter nodded tearfully.

"I'm not here to judge, Jamie." said Arianna, a hint of tiredness in her voice. She continued before James could protest his new nickname. "But you winning Quidditch matches has more to do with your talent, than you touching people." She paused. "Although there is something to be said about Placebos."

Bows? Quidditch doesn't have any bows! What kind of messed up Quidditch do they play in America? wondered Sirius, flabbergasted.

"Where are the rest of the girls?" he asked her instead, not wanting to delve into the madness that was probably brewing in Arianna's mind.

"Yeah, I need to see Evans before the match." James chimed.

"Is that another one of your superstitions?" asked Arianna with an amused smile.

"Nah, she's just pretty." James replied with an impish grin. Arianna laughed as she shook her head.

"So where are the girls?" asked Remus.

"You rang?" came a voice from a few feet away, and the Marauders turned to find Alice, Lily and Dorcas walking into the Great Hall.

"We rang what?" James whispered to Sirius. He shrugged, before turning his attention back to the girls. James straightened up when he saw Lily.

"Hey, Evans!" he called out with a grin. "It's Quidditch day!"

"I know." replied Lily nonchalantly, as she sat next to Arianna, and grabbed an apple from the tray in front of her.

"How about a kiss for good luck?" asked James, and Arianna choked on her coffee as she tried to hide her laugh. Lily looked at him unamused as she thumped Arianna's back.

"Not funny." she seethed.

"I'm not trying to be funny." James told her. "Don't you want us to win the match, Evans?"

"Of course, I do." Lily mumbled, as everyone's eyes fell on her.

"What could bring more luck than a kiss from the girl I like?"

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