Move Over Meryl Streep- Arianna

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It was around six thirty in the evening when the Marauders returned to the Gryffindor common room and made their way towards their dorms, the rest of the Quidditch team trailing after them.

I looked up from my book, and casually glanced at them from where I sat in one of the many plush armchairs by the window, barely able to control my excitement.

This is it.

As I waited for the Marauders to discover the little surprise I had left for them, I looked around the common room. Lily and Alice were sitting on the carpeted floor doing their transfiguration homework with three other girls who had been introduced to me as Mary MacDonald, Hestia Jones and Emmeline Vance- they were the other Gryffindors I had noticed in transfiguration class yesterday but hadn't known. Dorcas was sitting in front of me, writing something down in her diary, the last rays of the setting sun illuminating her brown hair and making it glow.

In another corner of the room, Frank was playing wizard chess with Gideon and trying to look inconspicuous as he threw occasional glances in Alice's direction. My eyebrows involuntarily pulled together at the sight of him. The memory of our talk was still fresh in my mind. Once I had told Frank everything about my past, it had taken all my willpower, strength and not an inconsiderable amount of threatening to stop him from informing Uncle Bill and Grandpa Algie, and starting a three person manhunt for my dad. After a whole lot of yelling, Frank had finally agreed to keep the matter between the two of us till I was comfortable enough to tell the rest of the family. But since then he had annoyingly taken to lurking by my side if anyone except the girls came too close to me.

I could only imagine what he would've done if I had told him about Sirius.

"Nay, Gryffindor scum! You shall not enter!" boomed a loud voice from the boys wing of the Gryffindor tower, jolting me back to the present.

Everyone in the common room looked up at that and I smiled a smile of pure satisfaction.

After a few moments we heard the Marauders yelling and cursing, and I couldn't help the crazed, evil-overlord laughter that escaped me. It just seemed to come naturally at that point.

The rest of the Gryffindors looked at me in confusion. I smiled at them benevolently.

"Revenge is a dish best served cold." I told them.

The confusion on their faces only grew. Alice opened her mouth, but whatever she was going to ask me was interrupted by the loud noise of footsteps thundering down the staircase. I looked on in amusement as the Marauders burst into the common room looking pissed.

"Okay, which one of you wankers is responsible for this?" asked Sirius to no one in particular. As he was scanning the common room for guilty faces, his eyes landed on me.

I just gave him an innocent smile and a shrug.

A few hours earlier...

"Vera, I just want revenge on them, I don't want them sent to Azkaban!" I exclaimed, wide-eyed at Vera's suggestion.

We were currently walking back from Divination and discussing possible retaliation pranks.

"Too much?" Vera asked sheepishly.

"Way too much!"

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