Finger Eating Plants And James' Vanity- Arianna

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After the big Marauders revelation, everyone in our little party was nervously looking around the greenhouse, trying to spot the beginnings of chaos.

"Why so serious?" a voice came from behind me.

I was so amped up that I jumped as I turned around, my hands flying in the direction the voice had come from.

"Whoa." Sirius exclaimed, catching a hold of my wrists. "Someone's a little jumpy." he said, sounding amused as I tried to free my wrists from his grasp.

"Sirius, what the hell?" I exclaimed, my voice squeaking embarrassingly. Sirius chuckled as he let go of my wrists. I glowered at him.

"Relax, Little Red. It's not going to be that bad." he said. Then he leaned closer to me. "We reserve the bad ones for Slytherin not Hufflepuff. Now act natural. Smile." he whispered in my ear and gave me a charming smile.

For some reason, my mind took twice the time it usually takes to process what he had said. Just as I opened my mouth to respond, the teacher walked in.

What was her name again?

"Good morning Professor Sprout." I could hear a few Hufflepuffs say.


Professor Sprout was a small woman dressed from head to toe in what looked like bird watching gear. She'd probably blend into her surroundings once the leaves start to yellow, I thought to myself, idly.

Sirius motioned for me to scoot over and I did so reluctantly. He was now in between me and Dorcas, who was looking at us curiously.

"Aren't you going to sit with your best friends?" I asked him, slightly annoyed. I still hadn't forgiven him for this morning. Besides, Frank was giving the two of us very unsettling looks.

"Nope." he said.

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"We're not allowed to sit together in Herbology." he explained, pointing at the rest of the Marauders, who were indeed spread out amongst the Gryffindors- Remus was next to Frank; James was next to the Prewett Twins and I couldn't see Peter at all. "And you just happen to be standing near my spot."

"Where's Peter?" I asked Sirius.

"He said he had to take care of some things. He'll be here in a few." Sirius said nonchalantly.

I shrugged.

"Does Hogwarts hire teachers based on their personalities?" I asked him, unable to contain myself. "I mean, the transfiguration teacher is an animagus." I said, referring to McGonagall's mid class transformation into a tabby cat, as she overlooked us while we worked on some exercises in the textbook. "And then there's a Herbology teacher called Professor Sprout, who dresses up like a big plant?"

Sirius burst out laughing.

Then to my extreme embarrassment, everyone turned to look at us.

"Unless your Chinese Chomping Cabbage just told you a rather funny anecdote Mr Black, you shouldn't be laughing in my class." Professor Sprout said, looking at the two of us with disapproval.

We apologized.

"Don't do that!" Sirius whispered, after everyone's attention was back on the lesson.

"Don't do what?" I whispered back, bewildered. He was the one who had to laugh like a frigging banshee!

"Make me laugh like that!" Sirius exclaimed. "You'll get us in trouble and personally, I think I get into plenty of trouble all by myself!"

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