Sneezy Mottos And Soft Hands- Sirius

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WARNING: Same as before.


"Did you just call me Ari?"

"Yeah, is that alright?" Sirius asked, sounding slightly worried.

To his relief, Arianna shrugged in response. "It's fine by me. Just don't let the girls hear you." On catching his questioning look she added, "No one apart from them is allowed to call me Ari. Everyone else just calls me Ria."

Sirius nodded. It wasn't like he couldn't relate. He had lost count of the number of times the Marauders had hexed people for trying to call them by the nicknames they had given each other. But what were the other girls called?

"Do Vera and Mandy have nicknames too?" he asked, curiously.

Arianna nodded. "Mandy is already a nickname, but we call her Dee sometimes. And as for Vera.." she trailed off with a chuckle. "When we five years old, Mandy and I used to call her Rara. Now unless we want something from her, we call her V like everyone else."

Sirius chuckled too.

Then he seemed to realize something.

"You knew Mandy and Vera when you were five?"

Arianna nodded. "But that's a story for another time, I'm afraid." she said with a sad smile. Although he was now more curious than ever, Sirius nodded.

If she wanted to tell him, she'd do so when she was ready.

"So, how are you liking Hogwarts so far?" Sirius asked idly in the silence that followed.

Arianna shrugged. "The castle itself is pretty awesome. The teachers are okay too." She turned to look at him. "Oh, that reminds me- you were right about the defense teacher. He looks like he spooks easy."

Sirius thought back to Professor Poltrone's first defense class- how the balding man's nervous gaze would always discreetly wander towards the dragon skeleton hanging from the ceiling of his classroom. With the looks Poltrone was giving the skeleton, you'd think that the black shell of that long dead reptile was slowly coming to life, and if he wasn't careful enough, it would make a leisurely barbecue of both his students and himself.

Sirius gave himself and James a mental pat on the back. This would be easy money.

Outwards, Sirius only grinned. "Told ya." he said smugly. Arianna smiled and shook her head at his silly grin.

"The company is more than okay." she continued, smiling slightly at Sirius. His grinned widened at that, and he turned to look at the night sky. "Backatcha." he responded.

"The uniforms are a pain though." she said, after a minute of silence.

"You had better uniforms at Salem?" he asked idly, his eyes still on the smoke wafting through the air.

"More like no uniforms." Arianna scoffed. "We just had to wear our school robes over normal clothing."

This turned Sirius' head towards her again.

"Just your robes?" he asked, flabbergasted.

Arianna nodded. "Our school robes have our years printed on them. So as long as we're wearing them and the teachers can tell which year we belong to, we are allowed to wear what we like underneath."

"Why did you leave that place, again?" Sirius asked her, astounded. If he went to a school like that, he would hold on for dear life.

Arianna chuckled. "Because of this." she said, holding her left hand in front of him.

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