Dead-in-a-Pool, and Almost-Dead-in-a-Washroom: Arianna

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Trigger Warning- mentions of death, blood.
A summary of the chapter is given the Author's note section for those who'd rather not read about the aforementioned topics.

"What do you think McGonagall wants from us?" I asked as we headed out to breakfast. The morning after game night, there had been a notice on the message board in the common room, asking all fifth years to report to Professor McGonagall's office- the boys on Saturday, and the girls on Sunday. It was bewildering to say the least.

"Sometimes I forget that you've only been here a few months." Said Lily with a shake of her head.

"I know!" Replied Dorcas, before I could say anything. "It feels like we've known her for years!"

"Wait, you guys know what the meeting is about?" I asked them as we walked down another flight of stairs.

Just after we rounded a corner, I heard a bunch of whispers and shushed the girls. Sensing the usual Gryffindor shenanigans, I gestured for them to wait where they were. I tiptoed closer to where the noise was coming from and peeked around the statue, into a small alcove.

"Hey, what are you guys up to?" I asked loudly, and Lily, Dorcas, and Alice joined me to see who it was. Looking at us with varying degrees of panic were the Marauders, Frank, and Arthur.

Now, I was a little confused. Frank and Arthur didn't really hang out with the Marauders at the best of times. So what were they doing, huddled together in some small corner of the Gryffindor Tower?

When they realised that it was just the four of us, they relaxed slightly.

"Girls!" Frank exclaimed with a nervous laugh. "Fancy seeing you here!"

I could see James, and Sirius face palming from behind him. "We live here." I said slowly, enunciating each word, and looking at him with amusement. Him and Alice really were made for each other!

"Oh hullo girls!" Said Arthur merrily. "Don't mind him, we just panicked because we thought you were Molly."

"That's kind of a big mistake to make." I pointed out, still waiting for some kind of further explanation.

"Is that why you jumped?" Alice asked them, brows furrowing.

"Yeah, what's going on?" Said Dorcas, slightly suspicious.

Frank sighed. "We should tell them." He said. "They might be able to help!" he added, trying to pacify the others, who looked outraged at his suggestion.

"Oh, very well." Arthur ceded with a sigh. He turned to us. "You see girls, I have a little bit of a plan in mind to help me woo Molly. See, after we win the Quidditch cup a few weeks from now, I'll throw this huge party in the Gryffindor common room, you know, since I'm captain. And when the party's going on, and everyone is enjoying themselves, I'll strike up a conversation with her. We'll get to know each other, she'll realize how much we have in common, and fall in love with me." Arthur said in a pleased tone.

I grinned. It was kinda sweet that the boys were all gathered here trying to help Arthur with his girl troubles, and that Arthur was willing to go to all that trouble to woo Molly. "Alright! Great going, Gatsby!" I said.

All the pure bloods looked at me confused.

"I'm sorry, what did you call me?" Arthur asked.

I laughed. "Gatsby. He's the main character of a muggle book called The Great Gatsby. It's about this guy who throws parties at his house, in the hopes that the girl he loves will show up so he can chat her up, and make her fall in love with him." I explained.

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