My Powwow With Not-God Causes A Stir- Arianna

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"Are you ever going to forgive us?" James asked, running a hand through his hair, as he and the rest of the Marauders struggled to keep up with us.

The 'us' in this situation being me and the rest of the Gryffindors minus Frank.

"No." Lily responded, at the same time I said "Maybe not."

It was early next morning and all the Marauders were getting from the rest of the Gryffindors was silence and hostility, as we made our way towards the Great Hall for breakfast.

"Oh come on, Little Red, be fair!" Sirius exclaimed, walking backwards to maintain eye contact with me. "I thought you loved our prank!

"That was before I came to know that you had an anti-stink charm you didn't bother to tell us about!" I snapped, and the Marauders winced.

The truth was, the dung bombs weren't as potent as we had expected, especially since none of us were hit directly by one. We had managed to get most of the stink off by morning, though you could still smell it if you came too close.

On the bright side, all of us were thoroughly exfoliated.

"But we've already apologized!" Sirius protested.

"And we'll apologize again." Remus added hurriedly, and the Marauders apologized together for the hundredth time.

"Please, Little Red?" Sirius said, and I could see Remus and James giving me hopeful looks too.

No, it's not going to be so easy- for any of us, it would seem.

It was true, I was having a hard time ignoring these guys, especially since I had enjoyed the prank a lot. Judging by their determination and my softening resolve, my anger probably wouldn't last the day.


"Please Arianna?" Sirius pleaded, and I was briefly thrown by his sudden use of my name.

He hasn't called me Arianna since the train ride.

Luckily at that point, I caught sight of the gigantic doors of the Great Hall. Leaving the little entourage behind, I hurried towards the doors- and bumped forcefully into someone the moment I stepped into the hall.

Why, oh why can't I seem to go a single day without bumping into someone? I asked the heavens.

"You need to watch where you're going, girl!" a cold voice hissed.


When I looked up though, all I saw was a tall boy with long hair that was so blond, it was practically white.

The first word that came to mind when you saw him was cold. He had a coldly elegant look about him, and he regarded me with cold, dispassionate eyes.

Next to him was an equally blonde woman- presumably his sister- but she didn't look nearly as deadly.

In fact, she would've looked like a normal teenaged girl if her nose wasn't turned up like she could smell week old salmon.

Eh, maybe not-God smells bad.

There were a couple of other older looking Slytherins not very far behind them.

"What are you staring at?" the girl snapped at me.

I narrowed my eyes.

"Sorry Barbie, this is the first time I've seen blonde trolls." I said in a conversational tone. "You see how it can confuse a girl."

I must have said it a bit louder than I had intended, because now the entire Great Hall's attention was on us. The fifth year Gryffindors had come up behind me in the mean time.

"How dare you talk to her like that! Do you know who she is? Do you know who I am?" not-God raged.

"Thranduil and Smeagol?" I asked, with a bored shrug.

There were a few stifled laughs around the Hall.

I could see Vera face palming at the Slytherin table. Mandy, on the other hand was just staring at me in open mouthed disbelief.

'Stop while you're still alive, you idiot!' I heard Mandy's voice in my head.

Surely she's overreacting, I thought to myself.

Then to my surprise, Sirius stepped up to the three of us and casually put an arm around my shoulders.

"Cissy, Malfoo." he said, nodding at both of them.

They're called WHAT?

"Keep your mudbitch girlfriend in control, Sirius." said the girl, scornfully.

Okay, this broad is really starting to get on my nerves.

Before I could react however, a loud voice sounded from the Gryffindor table.

"What did you call my sister?" Frank roared as he stood up from the table and was by our side quicker than I would have thought possible, looking murderously angry.

Everyone stared at him wide eyed.

"Sister?" the girl spluttered, and I held up my index finger to show her the Longbottom family ring, fighting very hard against the urge to switch to my middle finger.

There was a moment's silence as they processed this information. Frank continued to look at them with a mix of fury and disgust.

As if sensing danger, the Slytherins behind them, who had earlier been giving us our space now closed in, looming over the five of us.

In response, the rest of the Marauders, Lily, Dorcas, and the Prewett Twins came up behind us as reinforcement.

"What is going on here?" Professor Dumbledore's calm voice resounded throughout the Great Hall as he entered, the other teachers not too far behind.

'This place sure has great acoustics', I thought, holding on to my pendant.

'Really Ari? You almost started an inter house war and that's what's going through your head?' I heard Vera in my head.

I shrugged.

What's life without a little whimsy?

Meanwhile, everyone had quickly scampered to their house tables, but not before shooting menacing looks at each other.

Sirius didn't let go of me as he casually turned around and led us to the Gryffindor table.

"You know, that is the stupidest thing you have done since the moment you entered this castle." he commented in my ear.

"Stupider than cursing at the top of my lungs in front of Molly Prewett?" I asked cheekily.

Instead of the chuckle I was expecting, Sirius gave me a bemused look.

"By a long shot." he said and I felt a chill go down my spine.

Well shit.


Hello dear readers!

I know the chapter is shorter than usual but that's because I had to split one chapter in two.

So expect a new chapter in a couple of days!

Let me know what you think of this one..



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