Everything As It Should Be- Sirius

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"Prongs! Prongs, wake up!" Sirius said excitedly, shaking his best friend. James groaned and tried to inch away from him.

"Come on mate, it's the first day of school!" Sirius said, trying to pull a very sleepy James out of bed.

He was back at Hogwarts again, how could he even sleep!

"Two more minutes, mum." James mumbled, before falling back into bed and snoring quietly.

Sirius huffed.

He'd been waking James up every day since first year, and somehow James still managed to call him 'mum' every single day.

Deciding to wake him up later, Sirius turned to Peter's bed. Maybe Peter would be more responsive, although he highly doubted it.

"Hey wormtail, wake up!" he said, trying to shake him awake. Peter just swatted his hands away and continued to snore loudly.

Sirius groaned. His friends were impossible.

An idea struck him.

He closed his eyes and willed himself to turn into his animagus. He could feel himself shrinking, and when he opened his eyes he was on all fours, and at eye level with the beds.

Quickly moving to the space between James and Peter's beds, he barked as loudly as he dared.

His action had the desired result, as both James and Peter fell out of bed at the sudden sound, eyes wide in alarm.

"Padfoot, what the hell?" James panted as he caught sight of the giant dog in the middle of the room. Sirius just gave him an innocent look, before turning back into a human.

"You wouldn't wake up." he said, his eyes shining with delight as he leant against a wall.

James practically tore his hair out.

"We've been animagi for almost a year, mate! You don't see me trying to ram you with my antlers every morning!" he exclaimed. Sirius scoffed.

"That's because you're too busy snoring, and dreaming about Evans every morning." Sirius retorted.

James turned pink in the face, while Peter gave a sleepy chuckle.

"You're a lot nicer with Moony around." James informed him with a pout.

"Yeah, where is he anyways?" Peter asked, as he moved towards the bathroom.

"Dunno. Never really came back from prefect duty." Sirius said with a frown.

"He's probably asleep in the library or something." James said with shrug.

"Well he better not miss breakfast! You know how cranky that werewolf wanker gets on an empty stomach!" Sirius said and James nodded.

"Yeah, who can forget the Great Tantrum of '73." James said with a slight shudder.

Remus Lupin was the most level headed of the Marauders- until he was hungry that is. When hungry, Remus had an extremely unsettling mean streak, which the other three couldn't hope to handle. He had almost made a hufflepuff cry on that one occasion he had missed breakfast.

"Nah, he'll be there. He hasn't missed breakfast since." Peter reminded them.

While the other two finished their morning routine, Sirius wrote a letter to his uncle Alphard- who was about the only tolerable relative he had apart from Andromeda- so naturally he had been disowned.

Sirius was forbidden from ever talking to him again. So he made sure he kept up a regular correspondence.

Once the other two were ready, they left the dorm.

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