James' Moment Of Victory - Arianna

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"I can't believe we got banned from Hogsmeade!" I groaned as we stepped into the common room, late that evening. Much to my relief, the common room was deserted. We were all grubby and gross from an entire day of cleaning the west wing, and I didn't want anyone seeing me like that.

"It's only for two months." Remus soothed, as we all sat down by the fireplace.

"But I really wanted to see the village." I whined.

Remus' face scrunched up in sympathy. "I forgot you've never been."

Frank put an arm around me, and I leaned into his shoulder with a pout. "I know, I'm sorry. I was really looking forward to showing you around, and buying you your first butterbeer."

I looked up at him with confusion. "I've had butterbeer before." I stated.

"Really?" asked Fabian, and I could see the rest of the Gryffindors exchanging surprised looks. I straightened up.

"Yes!" I exclaimed with a little laugh. "You guys, I'm American not five!" They all chuckled awkwardly at that.

"I was really looking forward to going to Hogsmeade tomorrow." Lily whined after a while. "Now I'm filthy, and tired and I won't be getting candy tomorrow." She groaned dramatically and threw her head back on the couch. From the corner of my eye, I saw Sirius nudge James.

"Hey Evans?" asked James, and I could sense a nervous excitement about him. She briefly looked up to see who was talking.

"Ugh, what?" Lily groaned when she realized who had spoken. I snickered.

"If I were to get you and the girls to Hogsmeade tomorrow, would you spend the day with me?" he asked.

That got Lily's attention.

She straightened up quickly, and leaned forward to look James in the eye. "You can do that?" she asked suspiciously.

James nodded furiously. Lily looked thoughtful.

"How about this." she said after a while. "The girls and I as a group hang out with you boys for half the day?"

"Just half the day?" James asked, clearly disappointed. Lily nodded.

"The girls and I have plans after that." she stated.

"We do?" I asked, slightly confused.

When did we decide that? Damn, I really need to pay attention to what people say around me!

"Yes, we do." Lily said, eyes shining with excitement. "It's a surprise." I threw her a wary look.

"I hate surprises." I muttered.

"You'll like this one." she told me. "I think."

"That's reassuring." I snorted.

Deciding to ignore me, Lily turned to look at James again. "So, what do you say?" James was silent for a moment. Then he sighed.

"I say something is better than nothing." James mumbled.

"Yay!" Lily cheered, throwing her arms around him for a microsecond before quickly getting up. "I'll be back in a jiff." she called out to no one in particular, as she ran towards the portrait hole.

The common room was quiet for a minute as we all turned to James to see his reaction.

For a second, he remained motionless.

Then, his face split into the stupidest grin I have ever seen.

I had to chuckle at that. All maraudering aside, James really did like Lily- I was starting to realize that more and more each passing day.

"I think we should go upstairs and clean all this gunk off ourselves." Dorcas said eventually, looking at me and Alice. We nodded, and stood up with her.

"Meet us here tomorrow after everyone's left." Sirius called out as we made our way towards the girls wing.

"You got it." I responded, looking over my shoulder, only to catch Fabian patting James on the shoulder. I rolled my eyes.




Okay, since a friend recommended more Jily fluff, here it is!!

Yes, I know it's short but just you wait for the next chapter!!

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