Of Coffee Dates And Jewelry- Arianna

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My eyes were still wide open when the skies began to lighten outside the dorm.

Rubbing my face tiredly, I hopped out of bed. I hadn't been able to sleep the entire night, out of sheer nervousness for today. Careful not to wake the others, I tiptoed across the room, towards the window and threw it open. I immediately shivered as a cold draft blew past me.

First day of school, I thought to myself with dread, as I looked at the unfamiliar scene outside. The skies were gray and foggy, and the grass that spanned the grounds was freshly mowed. There was a stone hut at one side, with smoke billowing out the chimney, and the sounds of a dog barking from inside.

I instantly found myself missing the warm, sunny mornings at Salem, as I struggled to shut the window before I froze to death. Desperate to get my mind off this feeling of homesickness and nervousness, I took a quick shower, got dressed, and left the dorm while the others were still asleep.

When I walked into the common room, it was completely empty. Thankfully though, there was a fire crackling merrily in the fireplace. I hurried to the armchair closest to it, and sank down in it, gratefully warming myself as I pondered about what to do next. 

"Could definitely use a coffee." I mumbled to myself, after the fifth yawn escaped me in as many minutes. Rubbing my eyes tiredly, I got up and blearily made my way towards the exit- and bumped forcefully into someone.

We would have fallen to the ground, if the person hadn't caught us in time. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed as I looked up to see the person I had bumped into.

"Arianna! Are you okay? What in Merlin's name are you doing out at this hour?" Remus scolded, as he let go of me.

I was too sleepy to come up with a convincing lie, so I decided to go with the truth.

"I couldn't sleep the entire night, so I was going to get some coffee before the others woke up." I mumbled, and his eyes softened.

"Do you know where to go?" he asked kindly.

"More or less." I smiled sheepishly. "I know the kitchen is supposed to be next to the Hufflepuff dorms near the basement, and you have to tickle a pear on some painting." I said, remembering what I had read in Hogwarts: a history.

"That's all you know? You were about to go out alone on just that? Arianna, that's really irresponsible!" Remus exclaimed. "You could get lost, or you could get injured, and this castle is so huge it'd be hours before anyone even found you!"

"Alright, alright calm down! Jeez!" I said, eyes wide at his outburst.

The truth was that the book had warned me about that, but I just figured that I'd find my way back somehow. It wasn't like this was my first time wandering around a big ass castle all alone. I used to spend hours strolling the corridors at Salem by myself at night, so much so that by the end of the first year itself, I knew every nook and cranny of that castle like the back of my hand. I couldn't see how this castle would be any different.

"Just tell me the way." I said to Remus.

"If it were that easy, this wouldn't be Hogwarts. I'll go with you." he said, shaking his head. "If you don't mind that is." he added hastily.

"Not at all." I said, grinning. He smiled back and we stepped out of the portrait.

"Wait!" Remus said, slapping a hand on his forehead. "You aren't allowed to roam around at this hour! You can't be seen out of your dorm." 

"Okay." I said with a shrug. I took my wand out of my robes and with a quick tap on my head, I was invisible. "You said I can't be seen outside my dorm so I won't be seen."

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