Bee's Anatomy - Sirius

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"I told you seeing my abs would make her like me!" James' voice floated into the bathroom, where Sirius was shaving. He snorted.

"She didn't hug you because she saw you shirtless, Prongs." came a laughing reply from Remus. Sirius had to agree.

Sirius still remembered watching James pace around the room, thinking of something impressive to do, while the rest of the Marauders watched the Map as it showed Evans standing in front of their door for five whole minutes.

As Evans had finally knocked, James froze. When he didn't moved for two whole minutes, Remus had let out a snort and made his way to the door, only to be tackled by a suddenly shirtless James. He had called it his moment of inspiration.

"You don't know that!" James pointed out. "My abs could have been the deciding factor!"

"Don't fight him, Moony." Sirius called out, as he rubbed some aftershave on his face. "Just let him have this."

"Fine, but you'd best hurry up." Remus said. "Most of the people have left and the common room is almost empty."

"Done." Sirius said as he walked out, only to find Remus sprawled on his bed, the map spread out in front of him. "Off my bed, you hypocrite!" Sirius exclaimed, throwing his towel at him. Remus laughed.

"But I just made my bed!" he said with a fake pout. "I don't want to spoil it by sitting on it!" Sirius simply shook his head, and went to sit on James' bed instead. He watched as his best mate stood in front of a mirror, running a hand through his hair once every few seconds to bring some semblance of order to it.

"Sure you don't want to use some of your dad's potion on that?" Sirius asked, nodding towards the unopened jar of Sleekeazy's sitting on James' side table.

"Two drops tames even the most bothersome barnet." Remus recited sarcastically. James laughed.

"I know what the slogan is, Moony! But why would I want to tame this glorious hair?" James said, pointing to his head. "Look at it, it's half my charm!" Sirius rolled his eyes.

"Prongs, your father quadrupled the family fortune by inventing that thing, and you, his son- arguably the person who needs it the most in this castle, absolutely refuse to use it. If that isn't irony, I don't know what is!" Remus laughed.

"I don't know, I think Snivelly is the one who needs it the most in this castle." James shot back. Sirius nodded.

"In fact, I think the only reason Snivellus refuses to use the potion is because of his hatred for you." Sirius mused.

"That's hurting him more than me, if we're being honest." James said with a snort. "His hair looks greasier than the bottom of my cauldron!"

The Marauders burst out laughing.

"Okay, enough chit chat, let's get going already!" Remus whined, suddenly serious. "I want some chocolates, and I want them yesterday!"

"What's wrong, mate?" James asked with fake concern. Sirius understood where he was going with that.

He decided to join in.

"Yeah, Moony." He said, trying hard to suppress his smile. "Is it your time of the month?"

The rest of the Marauders guffawed, while Remus stared at them unimpressed.

"I will bite you." He threatened, eyes narrowed.

"Kinky." Came a voice from their doorway, making the Marauders jump.

"Arianna! W-what are you doing here?" Remus stuttered, as Sirius shot to his feet in surprise.

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