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Alex spun around, bringing her blade down, slaying a demonic hound. She turned to witness the chaos unfolding. Demons were sinking their claws and teeth into her friends and family, her people. But they refused to give up. Blood coated everyone and everything.

Charlotte ran towards her daughter, gripping her wrist and dragging her down the hallway. When she came to a stop in the back room, Alex felt the firm grip on her shoulders. She watched her mums mouth move so fast and the words that followed were hard to understand.

"Alex--Alex! Listen to me. You have to listen, i can't let them take you."

Alex glanced back from where they came and saw the demons making their way over, but Jace, her bestfriend, was managing to keep them at bay.

Charlotte placed both her hands on Alex's face, bringing it back to her. Her brown eyes that matched were filled with anguish.

"Mum...What's going on?" Alex's voice shook.

Charlotte exhaled through her nose, trying to remain calm despite the tears prickling her eyes.

"I can't let them take you. I need you to be safe...i need to get you out of this place."

Alex shook her head. "But mum... what do you mean?" She asked, not quite gripping the reality of the situation.

She watched as her mother began moving her hands in intricate ways to open a portal. Magic she's seen her do countless times growing up. The sparks of gold magic festered in the air, forming a circle. Chaotic wind blew around the room, slashing at their clothes, tearing at their hair.

Jace's voice cut through the air, urgent and strained. "Do it now Charlotte!"

Alex sliced her gaze down the hall at the exact moment she saw him get thrown against a wall, a demon snarled and his sharp teeth neared Jace's face. Desperately wanting to sink in and taste his angelic blood.

Jace ground his teeth together and with a scream, shoved the beast back, thrusting his seraph blade between its eyes. He shot Alex a quick glance, and she saw the sorrow in his bi-coloured eyes. A sorrow she couldn't decipher.

Alex swallowed thickly, she could hear her own heart beating out of rhythm, let alone the rapid beating of her mums. One second, she was looking at Jace, the next, she was gripped by the shoulders and spun around so her back faced the portal.

Time seemed to slow down in that moment. Everything became deadly quiet and all she could see was her mums face. All she could hear, was her mums voice.

"My sweet sweet angel... I wish we had more time. Please know that i had no choice but to do this, for you, for your safety." Charlotte brought her hand to Alex's chest. "I need you to live, okay. And by the angel, we will meet again." She added.

Alex was so lost, and everything was happening much too fast for her liking. She felt like she was in one of those game shows where she had to make a choice within five seconds, or they would dump something on her head.

" wait, i don't... What's going on?!..." Panic laced her voice, and her hands started to shake. They shook so much that her twin blades fell to the ground.

Jace screamed again, "CHARLOTTE, DO IT NOW!" The sound sent shivers down Alex's spine. There was such urgency it in, such tension.

Charlotte tilted her head as she gazed at her daughter, and hoped this wouldn't be the last time she saw her. The pain spread in her chest at having to say goodbye. But in order to keep her safe, to keep her out of enemy hands, then as the queen of her world, she would do whatever it took.

"I love you." Charlotte whispered, pressing a kiss to Alex's forehead. And then, she shoved her into the waiting portal.

Fire and Ice - (Bucky Barnes x OC) 18+Where stories live. Discover now