Chapter 29

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In-between all of the torture, they kept her in a cell, feeding and leaving her to rest per the doctors request. The man was probably the only one who semi-cared about her well being, claiming that if they wanted a healthy asset, then she needed to rest and not have her brain completely fried. 

She'd lost count on the amount of times her brain had been put through a blender, resulting in losing all trace of who she was.

Rumlow continuously stood guard by her cell like a dog, it wasn't like she could escape or anything but because she was their special asset now, they were not taking any risks.

Pierce began his tests, and trials of the serum, making sure it worked to his standards. The man was successful after copious amounts of torture sessions and mind manipulation tactics, Alex became more and more obedient as the days went by and there was no need for a choker.

She became a weapon for a powerful man to use.

Alexandra Stark was Hydras property again, only this time...Pierce was in control.

"Project Illyria, mission report," Pierce commanded, and she replied like the loyal soldier she was.

"Mission completed sir, no witnesses."

Alex was sent on missions to assassinate rogue Hydra agents and leave no witnesses, she'd done just that with no hesitation. Shooting down innocent people caught in the crossfire and brutally murdering them with no remorse. Their screams would often ring through her ears as bullets hit them point blank between the eyes.

Every time she was successful on missions and returned to base with Rumlow, Alex was taken back to the chair, wiped and reprogrammed to avoid memory retrieval processes.

"Project Illyria," Pierce's voice sounded again.

"Ready to comply," She said like a robot, staring void of any emotion.

"You are to infiltrate the Avengers compound, and kill them," He ordered. "They are working against us, a threat to our organisation and they must be eradicated." He paused, looking at her. "Use your Powers, your skills, do what you need to and get the job done. Do i make myself clear,"

The order was quite simple, and yet, there was something in it that seemed wrong, but she didn't care. Alex slanted just her gaze without moving her head to look at him, and when she didn't reply right away he repeated his question more sternly.

"Is that understood?"

"Yes sir." she said, feeling the pull to obey via no choice of her own.  

Fire and Ice - (Bucky Barnes x OC) 18+Where stories live. Discover now