Chapter 55

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True morning had hit when Bucky noticed the daylight peek through a crack in the blinds. Looking down at the angel in his arms, he noticed her eyes flutter open and blink a few times. She tilted her head upwards and looked at him, seeing his gentle smile before feeling his lips on her forehead.

"Morning doll" he said, voice husky and still laden with sleep.


He held her hand that rested on his chest and kissed it. "How are you feeling?" He asked.

Alex took a few seconds to reply and lowered her gaze when she did. 

"I'm okay..."

"Just okay?" 

She nodded. "For now...wait," Alex raised herself on one elbow. 

"Did you get some sleep?"

Bucky hummed at the question while glancing down at the sheets, it was clear he was avoiding her and giving himself away by doing so. When it came to her he just couldn't lie, one look at those eyes of hers had him melting.

"Don't lie to me," She warned, flicking his pecs with her finger and he frowned mockingly. 

"I got some sleep, but i just...i wanted to make sure you were okay." he said, meeting her eyes and she could see the tiredness in them. Her features softened, she felt guilty for keeping him up with her nightmares and rambles.

"Bucky...I'm sorry...i didn't mean to be-"

His fingers clasped over her mouth, stopping her mid sentence.

"Stop. I told you never to apologise to me, you didn't do anything wrong. I made you a promise that i would always be there for you, no matter what." He scolded. "I meant it, you know. If you have nightmares, i'm here. If you wanna cry the whole night, i'll do it with you. If you want to tell your entire life story and ramble sentences till you can't make sense out of them anymore, then i'll listen and my attention will never waver."

Alex swallowed and she felt like crying again. He trailed his fingers across her jaw and cupped her face.

"But I kept you up with my stupid dreams and ramblings and—" she looked down at her fingers, scratching at her cuticles and he quickly took her hand into his own, lacing his fingers between hers.

"Don't you ever say that again." He whispered, and she turned her gaze up to meet his. Such a striking blue pierced back at her.  "You're important, and you matter, you matter to me, do you hear me. Your dreams and ramblings aren't stupid. God help me, I would stay up all night, every night listening to you talk." she felt the warmth from his words.


"I love you Alexandra. I love you so much and I would give you the world if i could. I would take away all your pain and heartache. I would carry all your darkness just so that you could shine bright like the angel you are." he said, clasping her chin with such tenderness. He had tears in his eyes but they did not fall.

Alex curled her hand around his wrist and whispered words against his lips. 

"I love you too Bucky," She kissed him. Within that kiss she could taste the love from the depths of his soul. How much he cared, how much he would always support her, protect her and love her.


Downstairs the kitchen was in full use. Bucky got to work making toast and juice while Alex slipped into the adjoining lounge room to tidy up from last nights hang out session. She turned the tv on for some background noise and started folding blankets. 

Fire and Ice - (Bucky Barnes x OC) 18+Where stories live. Discover now