Chapter 59

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"Thank you, James." Alex said, giving him a smile when he placed a cup of coffee down in front of her. He flashed her a gentle smile in return, but there was a longing in his eyes. It had been a week since their argument.

 A week of being in the doghouse and the only time she allowed him any touch, was in bed at night so they could both sleep better. That was her only compromise. Bucky had been sulking for the past three days and she could feel the sexual tension building between them.

"Can i do anything else for you, doll?" He asked, hoping she'd say yes, because if he was doing something for her it meant he was making up for the way he treated her. He was grovelling like no man had done before.

Alex shook her head. "No, that's all." She said. "You may go about your day." With a gentle pat to the side of his face, she dismissed him as if he was a waiter. Bucky's brows furrowed but he resigned to his fate and forced his feet to carry him away. Natasha was sitting next to Alex, observing and glancing between the two.

"What is that about?" She asked, nudging her head in the direction of Bucky's departure. 

"A new kink play?"

Alex chuckled. "No, although i am beginning to think i could milk this in so many other ways. We had an argument,"

Natasha's mouth fell agape. "What? Seriously?! But you guys never argue with each other...What did he do?" 

Alex nodded, taking a cautious sip of her coffee so it wouldn't burn her tongue. 

"I know...but yeah seriously, it sucked. Though, i wouldn't say it's entirely his fault. Jace is the cause behind it." She put the mug down and looked at Natasha.

"Jace? What did he do?" Nat asked, drinking from her own cup of coffee.

Alex sighed. "He kissed me that day he got hurt, in the medical lab. I don't know, emotions were haywire and, it just happened but i rejected it. However, the issue was, Bucky saw it. I didn't know till i found him later in our bedroom and he just jumped to assumptions." 

She lowered her gaze to the mug, circling the rim with her finger. "Things were said that shouldn't have been...and it was just—crazy,"

Natasha gasped. "I'm sorry hold up! Jace did what? And Bucky lashed out at you!"

Alex shrugged then took another sip.

"Do you need me to beat them both up?" Natasha offered, ready to go do just that. 

Alex smiled, and with a shake of her head, she replied. 

"No, it's okay, though i'll let you know if that changes."

For the past week, Jace and Bucky kept their distance and only spoke when the team was around. Even then it was just tension filled niceties. Alex had warned Jace not to pull anything like that again, because if he did, then she would personally see that his ass was beaten blue. 

"So is that why Bucky's been walking around with a long face and randomly snaps at us this whole week?" Natasha asked.

Alex nodded. "Yeah, i put him in the doghouse as punishment," She said, and Natasha's brows both arched enthusiastically.

"uh oh, for how long?"

"Till i say so," Alex replied, watching Natasha's face light up with amusement. There was a beat of silence and then she stifled a laugh.

"Oh babe, he won't fucking last,"

Alex laughed lightly. "I know," She said, a smirk tugging her lips into a crooked grin. Glancing around the kitchen, she made sure her super soldier wasn't in the vicinity before leaning in close to Natasha's ear, and whispering.

Fire and Ice - (Bucky Barnes x OC) 18+Where stories live. Discover now