Chapter 1

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The Avengers gathered in the briefing room, gathering intel and conversing on how to make their next move. Hydra had sent their best assassin to retrieve an artefact the avengers had, the organisation wanted it to further their powerful grip on humanity.

The retrieval mission was a fail on Hydras part, the collateral was Natasha getting seriously injured from a gunshot wound to her shoulder, putting her out of commission. There they were, sitting around the briefing room table with papers spread out, Natasha leaning back in her chair, arm in a sling. Tony paced at the head of the table while Steve, Sam and Wanda were seated. Alex leaned her shoulder against the open doorframe, crossing her arms against her chest. She had been part of the team for the past two years.

"Anyone have any ideas on how to not get our asses handed to us a second time around?" Tony asked, momentarily stopping his pacing. Wanda looked at the papers on the table, containing information about Hydra that they dug up while Steve looked away from it.

The man was very familiar with Hydra, it was a part of his past. He, along with many others thought they had rid the world of the organisations existence back in 1945. Turns out, they were still operating under the radar this whole time.

"We need to infiltrate their facility, take them down. As far as we know, this is their only base within our radius." Sam gestured to a location on the map they had spread out. "I'm all for taking them down, you know that." Steve replied, meeting Tony's gaze.

"So we hit the base, take them down, get out and it's a win win for us?" Tony said. "Tell me why that sounds like the worst plan in history" he clicked his pen before swiping on the hologram screen, making the information disappear temporarily.

"Can we just remember that we're also a teammate down" Wanda said, speaking up for the first time since they've been conversing with each other. She briefly looked at Natasha who glanced at her and then at the others. Tony gestured with his finger in the direction of the black widow.

"There's that problem too." He muttered.

"How are we a teammate down? Alex is standing right there.." Steve said, gesturing with his hand towards Alex, making Tony glance up at her and see her brow raised in challenge.

"She's got something else to do" Tony stated, waving off the idea. She shook her head subtly like she couldn't believe he was this overprotective. Alex knew he was trying to keep her safe, she rarely stepped foot out of the compound, unless it was extremely necessary.

Alex and Tony had developed a bond over the time she was with them, for some reason he cared a lot about her, he didn't understand or even know why but something inside him pulled to her. Besides the man being eternally grateful to her because if it wasn't for her, he would be six feet under or as he like to put it, his entrails would be floating in space for eternity.

After a while they had managed to agree on a plan, one Alex didn't like. She had this gut feeling that things would go south quite quickly, and her gut instincts were never wrong. Pulling Tony aside after they disbanded, she brought up her worries.

"You need me, let me come and help," she said.

"No Alex, i need you here to keep watch over the Tesseract in case they find this place and come for it." Tony said, shutting her down.

The Tesseract was this intense power source from another planet, it's also an infinity stone vessel. Tony used it for good, he used its energy source to power devices to help the world, not destroy it, not control it. If Hydra got their hands on it, they would use it for evil purposes and there would be no telling just the damage they would cause to the world.

The Tesseract was so strong that it could easily control people. Loki, Thors brother had been controlled by its calling at one point, he'd done a lot of grovelling and apologising on his part to gain forgiveness for his actions in the past. The only person it couldn't control or compel was Alex.

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