Chapter 82

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Tony and Pepper shared a brief moment of quietude on their walk in Central Park. The sun was shining, and the skies were relatively clear blue. Everything seemingly peaceful with the Skyline in the distance behind them.

"You know what there should be? No more surprises," Tony commented just as a portal opened in thin air. Golden sparkles ripping a circle in the space before them. Pepper stood behind him as they both watched, waiting.

Bruce stepped through, followed by a tall man wearing a red cape. The same gold sparkles that kept the circumference open, circled his hands.

"Tony!" Bruce greeted, and the genius shared a bewildered look with Pepper.

It had been at least eight months since they last saw their friend. Seemingly longer since he'd gone radio silent with them. And now he was standing there, looking like he'd seen the end of the world.

"...Banner!?" Tony's eyes widened.

"You might want to come with us." The man in the cape suggested, glancing around.

Tony's gaze fell on him, giving him a quick once over. "And you are?"

"Stephen Strange." Somehow the red cape flicked its hem as if it was giving a curt bow. It made Tony arch a brow.

Before he could comment, Bruce cut in. "Please Tony, this is important. The fate of the world rests on it." His tone held such urgency, and his facial features matched the desperation.

Tony looked at his wife. "Get back to the compound, i'll meet you there." She nodded, giving him a quick peck on his cheek.

"Be careful" She whispered and hurried off, making a call.

Tony kept his gaze on Bruce. "This better be good." He said, stepping through the portal that took them straight to the Sanctum Sanctorum. The home of Doctor Strange.

They were met with a short man in garb that looked like he followed the sorcerer.

"Welcome to the Sanctum Sanctorum, Tony Stark. My name is Wong," He said, and Tony nodded, once.

"Uh huh," He scoffed. "So what's the emergency?"

"Thanos is coming." Bruce blurted out, not wanting to withhold any second longer.

Tony raised a brow in question. "Care to elaborate who this, Thanos, guy is? And i'm going to assume he's a guy cause if not, then what is he?"

Wong shared a look with Stephen, and the sorcerer seemed to roll his eyes.

"He's a titan... But, why don't we elaborate on the story, then go from there," Wong suggested, continuing before Tony could utter a word. Instead, Stark took the liberty of plopping his rich ass down on the bench seat nearby.

Wong began, "Six elemental crystals, hurtling across the universe," He waved his hand in the air and the room around them changed like a simulation. The colourful stones floated within a galaxy while they all looked up. Stars across a cloudy expanse.

"The infinity stones each control an essential aspect of existence," he continued. And the simulated stones moved around slowly, almost as if being introduced.

Stephen cut in to announce what they were called. "Space, Reality, Power, Soul, Mind, and... Time," With that, his gaze lowered, down to the antique gold pendant that hung from his neck. It resembled an eye shape, and Tony had just now noticed it.

The sorcerer swiftly moved his hands, working his magic, and the pendant opened. Within it's housing held a green stone, glowing brightly.

The time stone.

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