Chapter 40

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Alex paced her bedroom waiting for Natasha and Wanda to knock on the door, she'd sent them a text that had nothing other than sos written in it. When the knock came, Alex practically yanked the door open and pulled Natasha in by the neckline of her shirt. Wanda chuckled following after. Natasha righted herself before she could fall flat on her face while Alex closed the door then guided both women to the couch.

"Okay...what's going on?" Natasha asked, glancing around the room noticing the dresses, outfits and shoes strewn about.

"I need help!" Alex said, chewing her lower lip nervously.

"Okay seriously, what's the emergency??" Wanda asked.

"Yeah cause when you send someone an SOS text, you better have a valid reason." Nat scolded with a scowl on her face.

"Oh i do, trust me. I just-well ohmygod—i have a date and i'm freaking out!" Alex blurted everything out so fast the girls had to do a double take at her to process. They exchanged a look with each other then smiles spread on their faces. Natasha was the first to speak.

"He finally asked you on a date?" She got up and started picking up articles of clothing.

"Yes and it's tonight!"

Wanda patted the spot beside her on the couch and Alex walked over, plopping down.

"Did he give you a dress code?" Wanda asked.

"Yes and no," Alex paused, "He said, dress nice.." she furrowed her brows. "What does dress nice even mean? I dress nice daily...does it mean a dress with heels, does it mean dress nice casual, special, does it—"

Wanda cut in before Alex could hyperventilate.

"Breathe!" She rubbed her back soothingly.

Alex leaned forwards, forearms on her thighs as she inhaled slow and deep. She was being ridiculous and knew it. The fact she could successfully take down a dozen enemies without a single sign of stress or fear in her body, but a date—a date is what set her on edge. Or maybe it's what the date represented...and what might come after. Alex shook her head and exhaled through her nose, it didn't do much to calm her.

"I'm excited don't get me wrong, but i'm just so fucking nervous. I haven't been on a date, like an actual date since before he got drafted." She said.

Natasha paused her clean up to address her friend.

"Wait, you didn't date back in Alicante?"

"Well," Alex paused. There was a story to tell, but it wasn't important anymore so she chose to bury it instead.

"I didn't really have the time to date considering i was being hunted." She watched Natasha shrug while picking up a pair of shoes.

"I haven't had to put this much effort—or think about what to wear or what we'll do—" Alex trailed off.

Wanda scrunched her nose with a smile before she drawled teasingly.

"I can think of some things you could do,"

That statement earned a pillow tossed at her head. She was quick to catch it with her magic.

"Well, she's not wrong," Nat joined in, chuckling as she hung up the last bit of clothing from the floor. 

"Not you too," Alex muttered, pressing the palms of her hands to her face, hiding the blush on her cheeks. She could hear their giggles, and feel Wanda nudging her in the side.

"You're both diabolical,"

"We know," Natasha said, walking over. "But you love us anyway." She sat down on Alex's left side and gave her a much needed hug. Wanda did the same from the other side.

Fire and Ice - (Bucky Barnes x OC) 18+Where stories live. Discover now