Chapter 80

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There was about six days between Christmas and New Years. Those days usually involved doing not much of anything. Some people claim they feel motivated, or a little lost. There was no in-between. Most just spent those days waiting for the new year to come so they could move on with their lives. Or start new goals they'd set.

After Christmas, Alex and Bucky couldn't keep their hands off each other. Most days started with flirtatious remarks and exploring kisses. They ended their days entangled in each others arms. She didn't complain, considering they had a shit ton of time to catch up on. And who would mind being doted upon by the most sexiest man on earth?...

But come new years eve morning, Alex woke up in a weird mood. She'd had a strange dream that left her rattled.

Rolling over, she felt the cold bed beside her and groaned. When she stared at the ceiling, the smell of freshly brewed coffee hit her nose. Despite the kitchen being two levels down.

With another groan, Alex got out of bed, grabbed her robe and headed downstairs. The sight of Bucky instantly eased her soul. His hair was fluffy and messily tied back. He had a robe on too but it hung open, showcasing his sculpted body. Including the plaid pyjama pants that sat low enough to make her bite her lip.

Did he have to look that good in the god damn morning?... she wondered.

When she shuffled over, snaking her arms around his waist from behind, Alex buried her face into the centre of his back. It made him chuckle.

"Morning beautiful,"

She growled in reply, then as he turned she snatched his coffee right out of his hands.

"Thank you," She said, flashing him a smile. He watched her drink it before he could utter a word of protest. Instead he scratched the back of his head and exhaled deeply.

"Every damn time," he muttered while grabbing the second mug that was already waiting for her. He filled it up and cautiously watched her over the rim. She had the audacity to giggle.

"What?" She questioned, and he scoffed.

"Ah! Don't even think about it," He cradled his coffee as if he could keep it safe from her sneaky fingers. She was eyeing it like a hawk. Alex sighed, placing down the now empty mug she'd stolen and snorted. He wondered how she could drink that fast.

"This is blasphemy! Not even an offer to refill for me!?" She huffed, dramatically. And Bucky shook his head while laughing. 

"You my love, are so dramatic. You have two hands, babydoll. You're more than capable of pouring liquid into a mug," He said, matter of factly. "And if i did offer to do it for you, you would end up stealing mine, again."

At that, Alex chuckled, because he was right. Waving a hand through the air in dismissal, Alex shrugged. 

"Tis true. Oh hey," She remembered, while pouring more coffee. "Can i talk to about something?..." Stirring in the milk, Alex watched the liquid change from dark to light. 

Pretending to check his non existent watch, Bucky sighed. "No, sorry, i'm busy. You'll have to book a time with my assistant." He joked. And her mouth fell agape, brows drawing together. Bucky tilted his head and gave her an assuring look. When he smiled, she scrunched her nose at him. 

"No but, seriously..." Alex rounded the bench and sat on one of the stools there. He could see her face was full of worry, and it didn't sit right with him. Instantly he dropped the playful act.

"What happened?... Did you have another dream?" he asked, as if he could read her mind. Alex chewed on her lower lip for a few seconds while she tried to recollect the events.

Fire and Ice - (Bucky Barnes x OC) 18+Where stories live. Discover now