Chapter 36

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Standing and waiting beside Bucky, Alex picked at her fingers.

"You okay?" He asked softly, noticing.

"What?" She slid her gaze up to meet his. "oh yeah, i'm fine." A soft smile pulled on her lips, but her eyes gave her away, he saw straight through them and knew she was lying. Bucky slid his hand into hers. 

"If you're going to pick at your cuticles, then pick at mine," He said. "Your hands are much too beautiful to contain raw skin trails."

She smiled and a light chuckle vibrated her chest.

"You don't have lie to me doll..."

"I'm not lying." She said, a little too quickly. He raised a brow, and she caved. 

"I'm just...nervous," 

Alex was nervous, she was far from just that tho. The fact they were going back to New York put her on edge more than she wanted to admit.

"It's going to be okay," He re-assured, lacing fingers with hers. 

Just then the quinjet arrived, settling on the platform and Alex felt Bucky's gentle yet supportive squeeze of her hand before he let go to greet his bestfriend. She watched him walk over, the two super soldiers embraced each other in a brotherly hug, clapping each others backs.

"Good to see you old man," Bucky quipped, and Steve laughed with a shake of his head.

"Right back at you pal,"

With one more clap to his friends shoulder, Steve side stepped and headed over to Alex. She half smiled at him, chewing her lower lip nervously. The captain could see the regret in her eyes, but it didn't stop him from wrapping strong arms around her.

"I'm so sorry-"

"Shhh—It's okay, you don't have to apologise," He assured, cheek brushing hers as he pulled back. "It's so great to see you as yourself again—you are yourself right?"

Alex couldn't help but roll her eyes. 

"Rogers, i don't think you've met my true self yet." She said in a playful tone with the hint of a smirk pulling at her lips. 

"Hi, i'm Alexandra Stark, nice to meet you," She offered her hand out and he shook it.

"Nice to meet you too, sugar"

After an hour or so in the air, they landed back at the Compound, and Steve was the first to break the silence once he shut the jet off.

"Welcome home," He gave them a smile then walked off the ramp. Alex glanced towards the doors while standing up, she lifted her bag and placed it across her body.

"Come on, let's go," Bucky said, taking a few steps towards the ramp when he realised she wasn't following. 


"Bucky...i uh—i don't know if i can do this," She said, suddenly her legs felt like jelly. 

"What if they—what if...." She swallowed, everything seemed like it was closing in on her and she couldn't move. If there happened to be a flood of lava, she'd be praying her graces as it burned her to ash. He noticed her eyes filled with panic. Bucky closed the distance and framed her face, he felt her trembling.

"Hey, calm down," He used his soft voice. "Breathe with me,"

She took a deep breath in time with him and exhaled the same way. He caressed her cheeks.

"You're okay," He assured, hugging her, cradling her head against his chest. Alex listened to his steady heartbeat and felt the warmth sink in.

"What if they hate me...what if they..." A million scenarios played out in her mind in the space of a few seconds and she felt her heartbeat elevate again. He clasped her chin with a tender grip tilting her face up.

Fire and Ice - (Bucky Barnes x OC) 18+Where stories live. Discover now