Chapter 18

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The kitchen was buzzing with energy at the compound. Wanda was making her famous well loved pancakes, for some reason they just tasted the best when she made them. 

Natasha was helping her while Steve and Sam set the table. Bruce was drinking his coffee while listening to Pepper tell a story, and everyone made small chatter. Alex walked in with Bucky following close behind. 

"Good morning everyone" she greeted, and everyone drew their gazes to her with verbal greetings.

"Hey beautiful," Sam waved casually, and hearing the man say it so openly made Bucky feel slightly jealous. The super soldier wished he was the one calling her beautiful so openly, the way he used to.

The rest of them followed with their greetings before all their gazes fell on Bucky, and a slight tension filled the room. Tony was the first to break it by walking over and clapping a hand on Bucky's shoulder.

"Welcome back Sergeant." He said. "Come join us for breakfast,"

Sam came over giving Bucky a bro hug whether he wanted one or not, and Steve did the same. After them, everyone offered their greetings and the tension cleared instantly.

Alex smiled at the brotherly affection the guys were handing out then began walking to her seat, Bucky followed after her and sat in the chair beside hers. His gaze met Natashas across the table and the memory of when he shot at her flashed across his vision.

"No hard feelings Sergeant, takes more than a bullet to take me down," she assured, giving him a wink.

"Be real Romanoff, even five bullets and falling out of a plane wouldn't take you down," Alex teased, and Natasha stuck her tongue out at her.

Bucky honestly couldn't believe how easy this all was, how forgiving these people were. He couldn't fathom how accepting they were when he'd hurt the majority of them against his will. And that was that, everything he'd done was against his will, if he had any choice in the matter he would never have attacked anyone. He'd of been working alongside these people, not against them. 

After breakfast the guys took Bucky with them and spent some time showing him around. Bruce went off to his lab leaving Tony, Steve and Sam to hang with the super soldier. Pepper was helping Alex in the kitchen while Natasha and Wanda had gone off to do their own thing.

"Looks like he's doing well," Pepper observed.

"Yeah..not gonna lie i was a bit anxious about this. I didn't know what to expect but i'm glad you all welcomed him in." Alex admitted, rinsing a mug.

"Sweetie, we're all family. Everyone here supports one another, good or bad." Pepper said, as she dried some plates.

"I know but i can't help myself, i'm constantly worrying and overthinking..." Alex offered the ghost of a smile before she lowered her gaze and finished washing the dishes.

"So..what's the deal with you two?" Pepper asked, and Alex knew what she was hinting at.

"Stop it." She hedged, and they both shared light laughter. 

After they were done cleaning up both women joined the others in the lounge. Alex tossed a pillow at her brother and plopped down on the same couch he sat on, Pepper sat between them. Bucky was seated on the couch opposite with Steve, and Alex noticed the new neck accessory—military dog tags. 

"I gave him his tags back..." Steve explained. "figured they'd help him on his healing journey."

"I think they make him look badass, Sergeant Barnes looking all official again," Sam teased, and punched Bucky in the arm playfully making the super soldier roll his eyes. The smirk that crept onto his face did not go unnoticed or the soft breathy chuckle that left his lips.

They all continued to listen to Steve sharing stories and Sam too, Bucky listened and took everything in like a sponge. Occasionally his gaze would slide to Alex, and sensing him looking, she would drag her gaze to him and find the side of his face. He was fast and swift but when she did it, he'd catch her and she'd end up shyly dragging her eyes elsewhere.

"All i'm saying is maybe a small getaway in time could be fun," Pepper suggested and brought Alex's attention back to the conversation happening. They had been discussing what it would be like to go on a much needed vacation as a team.

"Yeah maybe, but not yet," Tony replied.

"I'm so down for a vacation," Sam said, stroking his chin in thought.

"I know we're all itching for a vacation but Hydra are still out there," Tony stated, reminding them of the danger that still loomed, and Steve dragged his gaze to Bucky on instinct.

"Have they surfaced yet?" Alex asked, drawing her gaze to her brother.

"I've got Friday keeping track for any movement. There's been some agents spotted around New York, but thanks to you the compound's off grid. They can't track us here," He said. "However..i won't sugar coat it, it does look like they're trying to find-"

"Me." Bucky cut in, his gaze fell on the coffee table between the two couches.

"It might not be you," Alex said, looking at him and he met her gaze.

"Who else then if not me?"

"They might be trying to find the Terresact," She said. It was a possibility since that had yet to get their hands on it. "Every time they've tried, they've failed, which doesn't mean they've given up trying." Alex chewed the inside of her cheek. "That or..." she trailed off.

"Or what, Alex?" Steve asked.

"Me." She breathed and felt Peppers hand grasp hers instantly, a protective mother icon.

"No." Bucky defended immediately, shaking his head. 

"I was with Hydra long before you. I'm sure they've never stopped looking for me...I wouldn't be surprised if by losing you, they now want both of us back," Alex stated, but he shook his head with a steely gaze.

"I don't care, it's not happening," He said, with a tone that was more solid and passionate than he's sounded to date. Suddenly it seemed as if no one else was in the room and it was just them having this discussion. A type of thick tension coated the air as if it was crackling with electricity and heat.

"Bucky-" she started but he cut her off.

"No, i mean it. Hydra will never touch you again, do you understand me," Bucky meant those words more than he meant anything in his life. As long as he had breath in his lungs he would never let that happen. He would never let Alex get captured by those bastards again, and all of them agreed with him. Tony exchanged a look with Steve before Sam tried to calm the storm.

"Look, no ones gonna hurt either of you, we won't let that happen okay," He said, gaze flicking between Alex and Bucky.

"He's right," Steve added, and Pepper squeezed Alex's hand. "You're both safe here and we're going to keep it that way," She said, drawing her gaze from Alex to Bucky. Tony shared a look with his sister, a silent bond held between the two, his eyes holding everything he had already told her before. It meant protection and security.

Dragging her gaze back to Bucky, Alex could see the far away look on his face and knew his mind had pulled him to a place he couldn't get out of. She forced a soft smile and squeezed Peppers hand before releasing it and standing up.

"I'm gonna go for a walk, Bucky, you want to come?" She said, and her words had snapped him out of the torture. With a nod, he stood and left the room with her. 

Fire and Ice - (Bucky Barnes x OC) 18+Where stories live. Discover now