Chapter 83

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Out on an afternoon run, Alex could taste fear in the air for the first time in a very long time. It was a stark contrast to the peace and harmony she'd felt for months. People were barricading their workplaces and homes. She'd passed a few who were tossing suitcases into their cars in a hurry.

It made her slow down to a jog and glance back, catching sight of a couple with their two kids practically diving into their car and flooring it down the road. Joining the many others who were trying to leave the city. Even the wind that brushed her skin seemed to hold some form of unease. Like everything was being held up in suspense.

A weird feeling crawled along her spine as she high tailed it back to the house. Once she got inside, Alex closed the door, flipping the lock for good measure. She peeked out the side window and saw a group of people upending trash bins in their haste to run the hell away.

Turning around, Alex pulled her air-pods out and felt that strange weight in her chest spread and settle like a ton of bricks. Like a warning, a sense of foreboding doom.

"Hey—What's wrong?" Bucky greeted, but instantly felt her vibe change and questioned it.

"I don't know..." She replied, honestly. Her brows drew together in confusion. "Have you heard anything? Seen anything?" Alex asked, and he shook his head.

"No... Why?"

Alex exhaled through her nose, trying to remain calm despite the unease inside her.

"I don't know... Something... Out there feels different, people are putting up barricades and trying desperately to leave the city..."

Bucky cocked one of his eyebrows in response to that.

"I can sense...taste..." She paused, and it was like her eyes had glazed over for a split second but then she blinked. "Fear." Another beat passed, and then she spoke again. "I'm gonna check the news, see if there's anything we're missing...because this doesn't make sense."

Alex walked to the lounge, picked up the remote and turned the tv on. Nothing could have prepared her for what she was about to see... Well, her dreams might've if she'd payed more attention.

A mans voice filled the room. "The world is under attack, world leaders are in disarray." Footage streamed showing the various attacks. While the scenes were less than perfect picture quality, it was still clear enough to see a giant purple titan leading the evil cause.

Alex sucked in a sharp breath at the sight of something that she'd seen in her dreams. Bucky came to a stop beside her, eyes wide as he took it all in. The next thing the man on tv announced had Alex placing a hand to her chest.

"Wakanda is under attack, the Avengers and their comrades from all over, have flocked there to protect earth from this monster."

Her lips parted and she felt a deep gut wrenching fear wash over her. Alex flicked through the news channels and every single one had something more to announce.

"Evacuate the city! Take what you can and get the hell out of dodge..." More footage showed people running, screaming, and holding their loved ones.

"Another country has been annihilated..." And following that announcement came scenes of destruction, explosions and eradication of races.

Alex paled. "What... What's going on?..." She couldn't tear her gaze from the screen. Till Bucky took the remote from her hands and shut it off. The silence that filled the room was heavy.

Slowly they turned to face each other and locked gazes for a good minute, before her soft voice filled the space between them.


Fire and Ice - (Bucky Barnes x OC) 18+Where stories live. Discover now