Chapter 13

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The sunlight filtered through the slightly open blinds and fell upon Alex's face, her eyes fluttered open as she blinked the sleep away and realised she wasn't in her room, or her bed. Everything from the earlier hours came rushing back, including the way Bucky looked at her when he begged her to stay.

Somehow they ended up with their backs almost touching and she tuned into his breathing, picking up on how steady it was which let her know he was still asleep. Gently she rolled off the bed and turned, looking down at him with a half smile before her gaze flicked to the clock on his bed-side.

It read -8am- and she swore mentally.

Alex stuffed her feet into her slippers and crept out of the room, closing the door gently then hurried back to her room for a quick shower. It allowed her to get lost in her thoughts for five minutes where she realised that she'd slept peacefully. 

It was the first time in forever that she actually slept without tossing or turning, without nightmares or unsettled dreams—she slept because she was near him. It was like being near each other magically solved their sleeping problems.

A knock at her bedroom door startled her and within seconds she was dried, dressed, and ready to face the day. Tossing her hair into a messy bun then opening the door, Alex was greeted by Steve who had two drinks in hand.

"Steve?" She said, and the aroma of coffee wafted to her nose along with a matcha latte that contained caramel syrup.

"Good morning, Alex," He said, a little too cheerful for her liking, she wasn't really a happy morning person.

"Morning Rogers, that matcha better be for me," She said and he smiled wide while handing the beverage out to her. When she took it and inhaled the scent, it woke her up further and the first sip made her hum in approval.

"Perfect" She beamed, and he chuckled while sipping his coffee.

"Can i come in?" he asked and she stepped aside, closing the door behind him. Steve went to sit on the couch she had in her room.

"What do i owe the pleasure?" Alex took a seat beside him.

"Oh i just wanted to see how you are, how last night went..."

She lowered her gaze to the drink in her hands and sighed. There wasn't a reason to keep the truth from him, Bucky's recovery wouldn't be easy.

"He wasn't in the best place...and i don't think he will be for a while.." She said, drawing her gaze back to Steve and he nodded slowly. "I managed to help him clean up and get him to eat and drink so that's something at least..." 

There was a few seconds of silence before she ripped the band aid off and asked the nitty gritty question that was plaguing her for hours.

"Who the hell brought him a tray of food and water last night?"

"Why?" Steve asked. "Was that not okay?"

"Was it you?" she asked, her gaze narrowing ever so slightly.


"Steve, don't play around okay, this is serious. Was it you?" She asked again, her tone more serious now. He lowered his gaze to his coffee and circled the rim of the cup with his finger.

"Yes.." he breathed. "but i'm confused as to how that's a bad thing."

"...I understand where you came from, you just wanted to help him and that's fine but...listen, in Hydra...when we didn't want to eat... they-they forced us to..." She explained, and he looked at her with his brows pinched together as if he already knew where this was going.

Fire and Ice - (Bucky Barnes x OC) 18+Where stories live. Discover now