Chapter 20

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A month had passed and things seemed a lot better. Bucky and Alex trained daily and she managed to get better control of her darkness during those sessions. Nightmares overall had lessened too, and they both helped each other when any panic attacks surfaced. 

But one thing that continued to develop was the tension between the two, innocent smiles, sneaky glances, and slight brush of arms when they passed each other sometimes.

Fridays voice boomed over the speakers requesting them all to meet in the briefing room, Tony paced at the head of the table while they all took their seats before he started talking. A mission had come up of great importance apparently, it was an outing that would involve himself, Sam, Bucky and Alex.

"Wait, do you think that's a good idea?" Steve asked, concern coating his words. 

"Taking Bucky?'s only been a month since we saved him."

"Yes Rogers, i think it's exactly what he needs." Tony said, shooting Steve a look.

"He is sitting right here, by the way," Bucky spoke up for himself, slightly annoyed they were discussing what was good or not good for him while he was literally a chair away. 

Alex couldn't help but bite back the smirk wanting to creep on her face. During his month of freedom, Bucky began to fall back into step with himself thanks to her, and that included speaking his mind or having his own opinion on things.

"I'm aware of that Barnes," Tony glanced at him. "Now can i finish explaining the mission details, or does someone else have an opinion they desperately need to share?"

"Take the stage genius," Alex suggested, and Natasha chuckled then cleared her throat when Tony shot her a look. He rolled his eyes and continued anyway.

"I have a place in Malibu that can be our headquarters for the night. We do the mission, get the data that's needed from said location, get out, and be back in time for shwarma the next day,"

"Sounds easy, but easy always comes with complications, we all know that," Sam stated, and he wasn't wrong, a few missions in the past that should've been easy, were anything but.

"That's why we'll have Alex and Bucky with us-"

"So we're you're bodyguards now?" Alex asked, raising a brow in challenge.

"No, you'll both be there to handle things if they go flip side." Tony said, and she chewed on her lower lip while exchanging a look with Bucky.

"This is a Hydra location, isn't it?" She asked her brother, and he nodded slowly. 

"I got intel that there is digital data that could tell us their upcoming plans, it would help us be steps ahead of them and then we can figure out the best way to bring them down." He explained, and while it was a risky mission, the fact they would be a step closer to seeing Hydra eradicated from the world, made Alex already want to jump into action.

"Look, i trust you Tony, if you say it's safe and we'll be okay then fine, i'm in."

"Don't we have a small issue?" Bucky added, pointing to his face and then his arm, it was currently covered by the long sleeve shirt he wore but it insinuated the fact he'd be recognised in a flash.

"I wouldn't worry about that, cyborg," Sam stated.

"I've got that covered, my magic will glamour us all so we won't be recognised by outside sources." Alex assured, watching him process that and she could already see the curiosity in his gaze. Another ability he would get to see her do.

"Well...I go where she goes," Bucky stated it so casually that the entire team shared looks before smiling at Alex, she rolled her eyes and looked away.

Fire and Ice - (Bucky Barnes x OC) 18+Where stories live. Discover now