Chapter 6

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Having another restless night full of tossing and turning, Alex threw the quilt off herself and got up. After the previous days events she wasn't surprised that sleep wasn't possible. Glancing at the bedside clock, it read, -2am-

Sliding her blinds open, Alex looked out from her balcony door windows and was greeted by the moon casting its silver light over the field. The moon always brought her a sense of calm, just like the sun set her soul alight. Anything to do with the elements perspective helped to charge her up.

Turning her gaze to the wardrobe she went to put on some training clothes and sneakers. Using her magic, she willed her bed made and walked out of the room heading downstairs stealthily so she could get a work out in.

Putting earphones in, she did some stretches and warm ups before starting. Alex wrapped her hands in wrist wraps because she knew if she didn't, her knuckles would be busted. Once she got started on the bag, a few punches in and she lost control of just how hard she was hitting it until it flew off the hinges, crashing against the far wall. It ripped down the length and out spilled the sand.

Standing there, fists raised, chest heaving, Alex slumped her head forwards as she moved her hands to her hips and huffed a breath.
With a quick thought in her mind, the bag restored itself and was hanging before her once again, allowing her to continue throwing more punches, alternating with kicks too.

This whole time...she thought to herself. Alex couldn't comprehend that Bucky had been in Hydra this whole time, it was almost like a sick joke and she would rather think it a joke, a sick lie than it be the truth.

Alex stopped the bag from swinging, one fist held against it as her gaze lowered and had that far off look to it. The truth had been right in front of her face the whole time and she had no idea. It made her stomach churn.

After her workout she laid back on the mat and stared at the ceiling, knees bent with the soles of her feet grounded on the spongy texture. Her brows furrowed as she kept thinking about everything and slowly it ate at her. She hated not being able to remember things.

With an annoyed groan, Alex did a no hands kick up and walked out of the training room, waving her hand behind her, magic making everything fresh and ready for its next use.

Finding herself in the kitchen, Alex grabbed a glass from the cabinets and filled it with water. Bracing one palm on the bench she gulped down the liquid and then looked at the empty crystalware. With an exhale she agreed with the thoughts in her mind and abandoned the now cleaned glass in favour of heading down to the cell blocks.

Rounding the corner, she stopped on the last step and saw Steve sitting on a chair in front of Buckys cell.

Well, there would be no avoiding him now...She thought.

Sitting there hunched forwards resting his elbows on his thighs, Steve held his face in his hands and she could feel the sadness in him. Alex cursed her empathy abilities in that moment because they were equally a blessing and a curse.

Not wanting to be like a weirdo just staring at him like some stalker from the shadows, Alex cleared her throat softly while making herself known.

"Rogers," She greeted softly in the quiet, but despite that she still managed to startle him and that was saying a lot, because the guy was usually on his game.

Steve turned his face towards where Alex was and his shoulders un-tensed when he realised it was her.

"Alex," he breathed, and she walked over stopping beside him.

"What are you doing down here?" She asked, dragging her gaze to the man beyond the glass wall.

"I couldn't sleep..." He replied. "What are you doing up?"

Fire and Ice - (Bucky Barnes x OC) 18+Where stories live. Discover now