Chapter 63

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Waking up felt like she'd been run over by a ten ton truck. Alex blinked, adjusting her eyes to the sunlight beaming through half closed blinds. Everything ached and felt stiff until her magic tingled, awakening her senses. She felt the heat of a body behind her with his arm draped over her waist, hand resting at her stomach. The arm slowly retracted as she turned and caught sight of a familiar face.

"Hey..." she rasped softly, her vocal cords felt a little dry. Jace smiled halfheartedly.

"How did i get in my room?..." she asked, rubbing her eyes before glancing around. When she turned to lay on her side, facing him, Jace shifted, giving her some space.

"I carried you when you passed out after the power-burst." He said.

"Oh is that what it was...thought i was going to turn into Johnny Storm." She huffed. It brought a smirk to his lips.

"I told you i'd always be there for you, no matter what." Jace reached forwards to brush a lock of hair away from her face. The action felt so natural all she could do was look at him and her gaze softened as it all came back to her.

Alex sighed. "I'm sorry...i'm a royal screw up."

"Hey. Don't—don't you ever talk about yourself like that again, you're not a screw up. A royal, yes. But not a screw up." Jace caressed the side of her cheek, and she leaned into his touch, swallowing to find some form of hydration in her saliva.

He noticed. "Do you need some water?" he asked.


Jace turned over reaching for the glass on the bedside while she sat up, leaning against the bed head. Her eyes widened as if the glass full of water was gold. Taking it, she gulped it down in two mouthfuls.

Jace chuckled. "Someone's thirsty," 

She hummed, refilled the glass with more water magically and gulped that down too. Both her hands gripped the glass so tightly it was a miracle she didn't crush it. When she went to refill it again, Jace snatched the glass out of her grip and held it away from her.

"Easy firecracker. If you drink that fast you'll make yourself sick,"

"Okay, mum" She rolled her eyes and harrumphed, folding her arms across her chest.

"Hey, i like to think i could rock a dress and heels pretty well," 

His statement somehow made her picture him in a dress with ridiculous heels on as he waddled around the place. A soft chuckle left her, and he smiled before putting the glass down on the bedside.

"You pictured me in a dress, didn't you," It wasn't a question as more just a statement. He knew she did.

"Maybe," Alex purred, voice like honey, and a soft smile crept on her face.

"Did i look good?"

"Oh yah," She said, shrugging. "Very fashionable for a penguin."

Jace scoffed, bumping her shoulder as he laughed. Their friendship was stronger than any argument or problem they were facing. No matter what, they would always be best friends before anything else. After a minute or two, Jace asked the annoying question. 

"You okay?"

She nodded. "I don't feel like my power is going to burn me from the inside out, so i guess—yeah, i'm good." She said, running hands through her hair and tucking it behind both ears. There was a realisation that her hair had been brushed, but she wasn't going to comment on it. Nor the fact she still had on the same clothes from yesterday.

"Deny it all you want, but you're such a princess." He teased.

Alex side eye'd him for his use of the title. "I know." her eyes squinted for a second, watching him exhale deeply as he glanced at the door. 

Fire and Ice - (Bucky Barnes x OC) 18+Where stories live. Discover now