assume | haru x jealous!you

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You couldn't stand watching your boyfriend anymore, being all lovey-dovey with...

The water.

Yes, the water. And since your boyfriend is so obsessive over the nonliving substance, you knew that 'jealousy' will always kick in just by seeing your beloved boyfriend getting all so carefree by just the floating surface.

Haruka Nanase confessed to you a few weeks ago, then you two started dating, and you knew for a fact that Haru will choose you over the goddamn water.

At least you thought so.

Yeah, it's just a clear, blue element that is needed for every human to survive. But you didn't even think that Haru would spend the time with the water more than yourself.

"(Y/n)-chan, are you okay? You're spacing out," The cheeky blonde-haired boy, who just got up from the pool, asked with worry on his voice.

That made you return back to reality and you widened your eyes slightly, seeing Nagisa concerned about you being secretly jealous of just an inanimate liquid, that Haruka oh-so loved.

"Y-Yeah, I'm okay." You choked on your words a little, but managed to speak for your envy state.

You watched as Haru kept floating above the peaceful surface, his eyes closed not too tightly and his body was calm and light like a feather. What a nonchalant man.

Everyone knows that Haru has an immense love for the water, even when he went shopping with his friends, he just stripped out of nowhere just to get in the fish tank that contained water. Water, water, water.

You knew that very well, too. But just right after your very first date with him, he still was soaking under the cold liquid almost every day, and it kind of made you think that he's just probably not taking your relationship with him seriously.

And by assuming your thought was right, it made you plant envy inside of you every time he gets in contact with the water.

Swimming is his hobby, he gets in contact with the water every day just by that action. But, even though sometimes when the swim club members finished practicing to surpass what may their next tournament be, he'd still dip himself and pathetically float in the water, just like now.

Nagisa whined at you, as he took his towel from somewhere, and sat down beside you. He patted the towel on top of his wet, yellow hair.

"You're lying, (y/n)-chan!" He whined more, and the butterfly stroke swimmer also went out of the pool and took a moment for him to deeply inhale and exhale.

Once the blue-haired man glanced at you, he couldn't help but furrow his eyebrows and narrow his eyes at you, seemingly to sense something wrong.

He sat down at the other side beside you and wore his glasses, lifting it up slightly afterwards. "What's wrong, (y/n)-senpai? Is something bothering you?"

"Oh, what if Haru-chan and (y/n)-chan got into a fight?!" Nagisa nearly yelled, facing forward and staring particularly at nothing.

"N-Nagisa-kun! You shouldn't just assume something like that!" Rei scolded him as usual, worrying that you might be mad at both of them.

Of course, being Haruka's friend and teammate, they knew about your relationship with him, too. They often joke and tease you about Haru loving the water more than yourself, which you brushed off easily with an unconvinced laugh.

You gasped a little at Nagisa's surprising yet false sentence, but stared at Haruka's direction.

He was still lying there, not giving a care on the world. Didn't he even hear Nagisa's almost shout?

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