confession at its best | makoto x you

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The Iwatobi Swim Club gang goes to an island for a summer training camp to prepare themselves for the upcoming prefectural tournament and to improve their swimming strokes.

And you, being the cheerful, playful and sneaky assistant manager of the club along with Gou, and also a close friend of Makoto Tachibana, you had plan to do a prank that is really risky and much needed to be accomplished by a very brave person-also known as you, to your lovely male friend.

The swim club members know this, except for the victim, of course. They were pretty much surprised and shocked about this prank of yours, and even concerned. But you just shrugged them off and told them that you were aware of the circumstances-particularly to Ama-chan, Gou, Nagisa and Rei-and coach Sasabe too. Haru-well, he's much concerned for his childhood friend, Makoto.

He may look like a strong, determined and gallant individual just because he has a well-built muscular body, and also a tall height, but in reality, he's not. Definitely not.

In conclusion, the backstroke swimmer is a really scaredy cat, if you had seen him get scared easily by a bunch of silly and stupid pranks made by his teammates-or even maybe their abandoned swimming club building in their elementary school. That's what made you interested on him, actually.

The group had arrived on the island soon, and you couldn't help but feel excitement all over inside. You just hoped that he wouldn't take it so seriously later. But when he does, his reaction would be really, seriously priceless.

Stretching your arms out and taking a good look at the view in front of you, the olive-haired man comes in to your view. "[First Name]-chan!"

You shrieked, jumping in surprise and glared at him afterwards. "W-What's your problem, Makoto?!" Geez, if he is just prepared to your prank..

He pulled out a grin and went beside you, a warm smile gracing his lips. "..Isn't the scenery beautiful?"

Looking back at the breath-taking sight, you also beamed. "..Yeah,"

Suddenly, a loud splash came ringing in your ears and you both glanced at the source of it. And guess what? It's the water-fetished Haru. Nothing and no one could resist his undying love for the water. This is an ocean for god's sake, of course he would splash on this large body of water in just a matter of seconds!

And speaking of oceans, doesn't Makoto have a fear of them?

Though, your so-called prank actually involves the ocean.

Your friend sighs, staring at the man floating above the water. "..He couldn't really help it, huh?"

You let out a chuckle. "Of course, that's Haru for 'ya."

"Everyone! We're going to have a feast first! Please gather yourselves around here.. and Haru-senpai! It's not the time to swim yet!" The swim club's manager, Gou Matsuoka, called for everyone's attention and scolded Haru.

The both of you turned your heads to the redhead's direction.

Grabbing his hand and gripping it, you looked up at Makoto and gave him your usual, happy-go-lucky grin, which made his heart flutter for an unknown reason when you do that every time. You pulled him towards the group who had already been around the table, where delicious-looking fruits and meals, specifically prepared by Ama-chan and Gou, sat. "Let's go!"

You waited.

You waited for the perfect time to finally pull out your evil prank on him.

It's midnight. You sneaked out of your tent that you shared with Makoto, making sure that you won't spill any loud noises out.

The moment you stepped into the sand, the chilly breeze passed through, sending shivers down your spine, you gritted your teeth and fully got out of the shelter.

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