farewell | rin x you

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[3 years after the grand national tournament]

[Name] and Rin Matsuoka have been together after the latter's childhood friends, Makoto and Haru, introduced her to him when he visited Iwatobi High School 4 years ago, sophomore year. Rin was enthralled by her carefree and kind personality as the two of them spent their time getting to know each other.

Days passed by and the duo eventually became close, until she had started to develop unfamiliar feelings towards the young man. Little did she know, that he was on the same page as well. It just so happened one day that the two of them confessed each other's feelings abruptly and then the next thing that occurred in a blur was Rin asking her out, in which [Name] happily agreed to.

And presently, her beloved shark-looking swimmer who had won a total of eight olympic medals over the years has proposed to her a week ago. His friends and former teammates were enthusiastic to hear the news and threw a party for them. Nagisa, the jolly part-time caretaker of the penguins at Iwatobi Zoo and former breaststroke swimmer, was the most cheerful among them. Rin was her first love, and will hopefully be her last.

Unfortunately, after the proposal, [Name] got seriously ill, but there is no threatening danger to her life, much to Rin's relief. He asked her strict parents to stay with him at his home for a while until she gets fully recovered, in which there was no violent reaction.

The maroon-haired man sighed as he hangs up on the call he received. He stares at his phone, the screen displaying the duration of the previous call. He shivers slightly as the cold 2 am wind hit his skin. He lowers his head as he feels gloomy, his deep red bangs covering the upper portion of his face.

He snapped out of his trance as he heard the door slide from behind. He turned around and finds [Name]'s quite sloppy stance, as she doesn't have enough energy to stand straight. She stares at him, her eyebrows furrowed. "What was that about?"

His eyes widened and his hands from the back subconsciously gripped the railings of the balcony, surprised from the sudden appearance of his fiancé. She was standing there inside the room with her bare feet while she hugs his thick, white blankets around herself tightly. "H-Hey [Name], I thought you were asleep?" He spoke with obvious uneasiness in his voice.

"I was, but I heard you talking so I decided to get up and eavesdrop while staying in a corner." She raised an eyebrow at him. "And it's, what, 2 am and you're still awake? Who were you talking to, huh?" The way they talked to each other was the same as when they became friends, always teasing and bickering at each other. "Are you going to Australia to meet someone and leave me here by myse—" Her retort was cut off by her small sneeze caused by the cold atmosphere outside. Rin only stared at her as she wiped her now blushing nose. "It's so cold out there, geez."

The swimmer chuckles at her comment and walks inside, closing the door to the balcony. He pats her head and as his hand got in contact with her forehead, he frowns upon feeling the temperature of it. "Come on, let's go back to bed." He pushes her back towards his bed, but [Name] tries to halt their movements and turns to him.

"H-Hey! Tell me what that call was about first." The girl crossed her arms and returned the frown at him. "So, what's this Australia thing? You know, it's strange that your last visit to that place was when you brought Haru with you years ago but never came back, considering your parents were the ones who took you there to study in the first place." She said with conviction.

Rin was baffled by what she said before realization hit him before scratching his cheek. "Yeah, you're right, but that call was nothing, seriously. I was just reminiscing over my times in Australia with a friend. I didn't have any plan on going back anyway. I wanted to stay here in Japan with you."

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