that caretaker next door | rin x you

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You had just got home from the pet shop after adopting an extremely adorable puppy—because why not? You needed a little companion by your side in your lonely apartment.

Living alone isn't easy. Your parents were in another country—deciding next that you'll live alone and take care of yourself, which is quite hard from your perspective.

"You little, adorable fluffball." You said to the brown-furred furball on your arms, taking in its cute features into your eyes. He barked in reply, snuggling closer to you.

You chuckled and laid him down on the soft carpet. Sitting down also, you petted him on the head a few times. "Hmm, I might not look forward to you at times. School works and such, all those are keeping me busy.."

Though you just owned him, you were already stressing over the disadvantages of having him. "Argh.. Let's just never mind that. How about I teach you some tricks, then?"

The hazel-colored animal seemed to perked up by your words, his long tongue showing out from his mouth while panting in excitement. A titter escaped from your lips, and continued to play with him.

You were right. You weren't taking care of him properly—everything in high school just keeps making you busy as hell, causing your puppy to become lonely at times—just like you before you adopted him.

You were surprised your adopted puppy isn't showing some signs of irritation about that or else, he might leave you and get adopted to another person. But, you know he's one, loyal chunk of adorableness—and the best company you've ever had in your home.

"Okay, I'm going to buy you food—seriously, I need to ensure you that I'm the best owner you've ever had, no one else. So don't leave me, please?" You were bending down and also were pleading him for the past few minutes, in which the pup just tilts his head and stares at you dumbfoundedly in reply.

Sighing heavily for the nth time, you stood up and grabbed your wallet and keys, ready to get out of your apartment. "Let's just go," You said, huffing and making your way towards the door. He followed after you with his little feet stepping on the floor, while you were also watching him follow you. Oh how cute he is.

After getting out of your home, you stopped on your tracks as you saw a redheaded male wearing a black cap and jacket beside, standing by with a bag on his hand and around his shoulders. He's also carrying a rather heavy-looking luggage with his other hand.

You hadn't seen him around in here—you knew all of the residents in this apartment building. So why..?

Oh. Because of his luggage and bags, you were expecting him to be a new neighbor of yours.

"Oh, let me help you with that!" You immediately grabbed his bags from his hand, and accidentally stared at his features—you know, just to know his face.

And oh god, his looks are so breath-taking. You liked his maroon hair, red eyes, and very manly facial characteristics.

You had been staring at him for quite a long time now, and you've realized it so you brought up a smile and struck a conversation instantly to avoid any awkward silences—just like the way you converse with boys in school. "A-Ah, new resident?"

He gaped at you, and after a few moments, he answered, "Yes."

A bark echoed between them, interrupting the connecting gazes and it came from below the two of you. That noise belonged to none other than the puppy that you needed to buy food for and completely forgotten about him.

You both looked down at him, his tongue sticking out like usual.

"Yes, yes, be patient!" You tapped your foot on the floor, trying to keep your voice calm at it. You returned your gaze to your new neighbor next door. "L-Let's get those and this inside," You suggested, pointing at his luggage and the bag you were holding, while smiling sheepishly.

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